- 这是一本关于UNIX系统学习的书,是WORD格式的,非常有用,供大家学习交流。-This is a book about UNIX system which is in WORD format,it is so useful that can provided for learning and communication for others .
- linux下想使用turboc的人有福了,这里可以重新找回那种感觉,这样对学习linux的编程是一个比较方便的入口!-This is a good news for Linux users who like to use turboc. And you can not feel the difference and it is a good way to study programming under Linux.
- STL在liunx下的源代码文件,可以在Linux下安装,也可以直接阅读源码来学习STL编程-It s a STL source code file under Linux, it can set up under linux or read it directly
- BT的原代码,可以用来学习了解BT的协议,也可用来定制自己个性话的BT。-BT's original code can be used to study and understanding of BT's agreement could also be used to customize their personalized BT.
- 用户名:liuxinrui 密码:zhongyong 您可以在 linux 系统上运行 main.exe 文件 IP 应设为192.168.0.1 重新编译请在linux终端提示符后输入 g++ -lsybdb -lcurses -o 1.exe main.cpp clsMain.cpp clsConn.cpp clsTrade.cpp clsSupplier.cpp clsProduct.cpp 把数据库文件 DepartmentalSt
- 是经典的UNIX的部分源代码,可以给想深入学习程序的人很好的参考。-are classic UNIX source code, can give depth to the learning process were good reference.
- QT3.3编程的好书,中文版的,有助于新手掌握QT编程,还有一个可以学习QT的站,就是QT官方站点,不过全是英文的,-QT3.3 programming books, the Chinese version of the help newcomers master QT programming, there can be a learning station QT, QT is the official site, but all are in English, Oh
- ARMFXB440的引导程序是学习ARM硬件体系结构的例子,可以帮助理解-ARMFXB440 guide the process of learning ARM hardware architecture example, can help to understand
- linux0.11代码,经过阅读这些代码你可以很轻松地进入内核学习,祝大家学习快乐-linux0.11 code, after reading these codes you can easily enter the core learning, I wish you all happy to learn
- 最新的grub2源代码,小型的os,可以作为学习写操作系统使用-latest grub2 source code, the small os can be used as learning to write using the operating system
- 入门程序,用于测试ftp的基本编程, 可以学习ftp的代码实现-entry procedures for testing the basic ftp program, we can learn from the source implementation ftp
- 入门程序,用于测试共享内存的基本编程, 可以学习共享内存的代码实现-entry procedures for testing the basic shared-memory programming, we can learn from the shared memory implementation of the code
- linux下的rtp的实例源代码,可以学习用 -the rtp example source code can be used to study
- 这是我刚下来的,比较的好用,你可以试一试啊-This is my first down, the more convenient, you can try ah
- 这是一个用Qt开发的,可移植到ARM9板的一个hello桌面程序,通过这个程序,可以学习怎样开发嵌入式桌面程序-This is a development with Qt can be transplanted into ARM9 board a hello desktop program, through this process, you can learn how to develop an embedded desktop application
- CAN总线学习资料,《CAN原理与应用技术》,很详细的一本书,是嵌入式开发中经常用到的一种数据端口-Learning data of the CAN bus, CAN principle and application of technology, a very detailed book, a data port is often used in embedded development
- 适合LINUX编程学习,特别是华为员工,需要的可以下载(Suitable for LINUX programming learning,Especially for HUAWEI employees, what you need can be downloaded)
- 通过scikit-learn库利用tf.contrib.learn函数生成三层神经网络模型直接对读入数据进行训练并且对于数据可以进行预测。(Through the scikit-learn library, the tf.contrib.learn function is used to generate three layers of neural network model, and the data is trained directly, and the data can be pred
鸟哥的Linux私房菜 基础学习篇(第三版)
- linux学习的基础教程,设计linux构架等,希望对你有所帮助(LInux basic bok, I wish it can help you)
- shell脚本学习指南,可用于学习shell脚本(shell scr ipting, which can be used for the study of shell scr ipting)