- RT-LINUX2.2源代码,RT-LINUX是硬实时操作系统,在实时性要求高的场合得到广泛应用-RT-LINUX2.2 source code, RT-Linux is a hard real-time operating system, the real-time demands of occasions been widely applied
- minitos是一个实时的嵌入式操作系统,源码提供,目前支持TCP/IP,文件系统-minitos is a real-time embedded operating system, source code provided, currently supports TCP / IP, File System
- μC/OS-Ⅱ读做\"micro C O S 2\",意为\"微控制器操作系统版本2\"。世界上已有数千人在各个领域使用μC/OS,例如,照相机行业、医疗器械、音响设施、发动机控制、网络设备、高速公路电话系统、自动提款机、工业机器人等等。很多高等院校将μC/OS用于实时系统教学- Mu C/OS- II reads makes \"micro C O S 2\", Italy is \"micro controller operating system edition 2\". In the
- Nucleus PLUS是美国著名RTOS厂商ATI公司(Accelerated Tedmology lnc) 在嵌入式实 时多任务操作系统Nucleus基础上,为实时嵌入式应用而设计的一个抢先式多任务操作系统内核。其95%的代码是用ANSI C写成的,非常便于移植并支持大多数类型的处理器 Nucleus PLUS是一组c函数库,应用程序代码与核心函数连接在一起,生成一个目标代码,下载到目标板的RAM 中或直接烧录到目标板的ROM 中执行。在典型的目标环境中,Nucleus PLUS核心代码
- 实时操作系统RT LINUX的源代码,请大家多多支持我哦-RT real-time operating system Linux source code, you can support me, oh
- RToS实时嵌入式系统开放源代码。 -RToS real-time embedded system open source. RToS real-time embedded system open source.
- 多任务系统中,内核负责管理各个任务,或者说为每个任务分配CPU时间,并且负责任务之间的通讯。内核提供的基本服务 以使用实时内核可以大大简化应用系统的设计,是因为实时内核允许将应用分成若干个任务,由实时内核来管理它们。内核 用程序的额外负荷,代码空间增加ROM的用量,内核本身的数据结构增加了RAM的用量。但更主要的是,每个任务要有自己的 吃起内存来是相当厉害的。内核本身对CPU的占用时间一般在2到5个百分点之间。 UC/OS-II有一个精巧的内核调度算法,实时内核精小,执行效率高,
- This book is intended for embedded system programmers, consultants and students interested in real-time operating systems. μC/OS-II is a high performance, deterministic real-time kernel and can be embedded in commercial products (see Appendix F,
- celestia源代码,Celestia, a real-time 3D space simulation featuring a database of over 100000 stars, nearly a hundred solar system, objects, and a complete catalog of extrasolar planets.
- The OpenGPSRec receiver software runs on the real time operating system RTAI-Linux. It compiles with gcc using a RTAI-patched linux kernel. linux下的GPS 开放源码~!
- This the first release of a free TCP/IP/PPP protocol stack for the uC/OS Real-Time Operating System. As a first release it s still rather rough and very much larger than desired however it is working well in an embedded product and therefore may be u
嵌入式实时操作系统μC OS-II原理及应用
- 任哲光盘代码《嵌入式实时操作系统μC OS-II原理及应用》,Ren Zheguang plate code "embedded real time operating system μC OS-II Principles and Applications"
- 一个使用RTLinux开发的数控系统实时模块,可以通过与Qt编写的数控系统界面通过通讯实现一般的数控加工!-The development of a numerical control system using RTLinux real-time module, can be written with the Qt interface for CNC system through communication to achieve a general CNC machining!
- 嵌入式实时操作系统开发与设计,基于linux-Embedded real-time operating system development and design, based on linux
- 基于ARM7的网络实时系统 主机操作代码 ms级精度-ARM7-based network of real-time system-level accuracy of the host operating code for ms
- 介绍RT-Thread实时操作系统编程的结构与操作方法-Introduce rt real-time system, the thread programming structure and operation methods
- 许多开发商也开始为这些设备提供嵌入式操作系统。嵌入式 系统与实时系统将会有越来越重要作用-Many developers have begun to provide embedded operating system for these devices. Embedded systems and real-time system will be increasingly important role in
- linux的RTOS实时操作系统打入RTAI的操作手册,介绍如何使用RTAI实现linux实时系统-RTOS real-time operating system Linux into the RTAI manual, describes how to use RTAI to realize Linux real-time system
- What is Face Swap Live? Face Swap Live lets you switch faces with a friend or a photo in real-time. Record videos or photos of yourself swapping faces with
- What is Face Swap Live? Face Swap Live lets you switch faces with a friend or a photo in real-time. Record videos or photos of yourself swapping faces with