- I. Introduction This code exploits a previously undisclosed vulnerability in the bit string decoding code in the Microsoft ASN.1 library. This vulnerability is not related to the bit string vulnerability described in eEye advisory AD20040210
- 本次的FEAL8轮叠代要求将64位的密文C与64位的密钥K经过要设计的解密程序运行得到所需的64位的明文P。由于2进制输入输出的位数太长不方便,再程序的数据运算中大量用上16进制。在数据的运算过程中又常常把输入的数据平均分成等份,因此在数据处理上用上数组形式。FEAL算法的三个基本运算函数是整个程序的重心,程序的密钥处理和解密过程都将以这三个运算函数为中心,因此,程序的设计以S函数 函数和 f函数来展开,再由主函数编写时调用三个函数。-the FEAL8 round of the iterati
- vnc本地口令破解C源代码 默认情况下VNC服务端的密码是放在注册表中的,本工具只针对这种情况。首先用ASP读出注册表中的加密密码,然后用破解工具破解。我给出大家一个读取VNC密码的ASP脚本,默认情况下VNC密码存放在HKCU\\Software\\ORL\\WinVNC3\\Password Set WshShell = server.CreateObject(\"Wscr ipt.Shell\") bkey=WSHShell.RegRead(\"HKCU\\Software\\ORL\
- VNC Password and Port Dump This a simple program that just dumps the encrypted VNC password on the screen and also saves it in a file in the directory as where the binarie is located. We thought about the idea to also let it decrypt but for
- Windows Animated Cursor Handling Exploit (0day) Works on fully patched Windows Vista I think it is first real remote code execution exploit on vista =) Tested on: Windows Vista Enterprise Version 6.0 (Build 6000) (default installation a