- Citadel v.1.6 Full Sources-Citadel s design-time Wizard in action In Delphi the forms visual designs are encoded as dfm files and directly included into the executables as resources. This implementation has two disadvantages: 1. They
- The TrueCrypt Collective License consists of several distinct licenses, which are contained in this document (separated by lines consisting of underscores) and which are, in this section, referred to as component licenses. Each of the component
- 线性反馈与对偶移位寄存器的功能实现 实现n-LFSR与 n-DSR(n为正整数)进动一拍的程序(旨在能“由寄存器的一个状态算出紧接着的下一个状态”) 寄存器状态的各分量自然地与相应数据存储区的各比特位一一对应,不允许仅1个状态分量就占据1个存储单元(字节、字或双字等)。-Linear feedback shift register with dual function realization The realization of n-LFSR and n-DSR ( n is