- Smurf攻击是以最初发动这种攻击的程序名Smurf来命名。这种攻击方法结合使用了IP欺骗和ICMP回复方法使大量网络传输充斥目标系统,引起目标系统拒绝为正常系统进行服务。 -The name of the program Smurf Smurf attack in the initial launch such attacks to name. This attack method combined with the IP spoofing and the ICMP replies metho
- 本文对linux的IP组装算法进行了分析,因为IP碎片经常用于DOS等攻击,在文章后面我结合了一些攻击方法进行了更进一步的说明 -In this paper, the IP linux assembly algorithm analysis, because the IP fragments are often used in attacks such as DOS, later in the article I combine several attack methods are furt