- of impulses are studied: the impulses are input disturbances the impulses are ``neutral type, that is, they are neither helpful for stability of neural networks nor destabilizing and the impulses are stabilizing. For each type of impulses, b
- 置换密码算法的原理是不改变明文字符,只将字符在明文中的排列顺序改变,从而实现明文信息的加密。置换密码也叫换位密码。 试编程实现矩阵换位密码。它的加密方法是将明文中的字母按照给定的顺序安排在一个矩阵中,然后用根据密钥提供的顺序重新组合矩阵中的字母,形成密文。例如,明文为attack begins at five,密钥为cipher,将明文按照每行6个字母的形式排在矩阵中,如下形式: a t t a c k b e g i n s a t f i v e 根据密钥ciphe