- This is an experimental program that encrypts text using ASCII character equivalency to pixel-color values (RGB Hex) stored in an SQLite db table. The main purpose of this app is to demonstrate only the possibility of using image-based message
- Java对称加密实例源码,解释如何利用DES私钥加密算法加解密,定义加密算法,可用 DES,DESede,Blowfish。 用密钥加密明文(message),生成密文(cipherText),操作模式为加密(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE),key为密钥; 用密钥加密明文(plainText),生成密文(cipherByte),操作模式为解密,key为密钥。 -Java electronic album to source code that you can u
- Color visual cryptography (VC) encrypts a color secret message into color halftone image shares. Previous methods in the literature show good results for black and white or gray scale VC schemes, however, they are not sufficient to be applied directl
- C# project integrating RSA enciphering and concealing the message in QR code/Image.
- Steganography in java using LSB technique for hiding message in PNG image & using AES and SHA-2 algorithm for encryption/decryption of message.
- The project allows the user to encrypt a text message inside an image. The image can be decrypted back to get the original message.