- RSA算法的C语言实现 1.密钥的产生 (1)选两个安全的大素数p和q。 (2)计算n=p×q,φ(n)=(p-1)(q-1),其中φ(n)是n的欧拉函数值。 (3)选一整数e,满足1<e<φ(n),且gcd(φ(n),e)=1。 (4)计算d,满足de≡1 modφ(n),即d是e在模φ(n)下的乘法逆元,因e与φ(n)互素,由模运算可知,它的乘法逆元一定存在。 (5)以{e,n}为公开钥,{d,n}为秘密钥。 2.加密 加密时首先将明文M比特串分组
- ElGamal algorithm not only used for data encryption can be used for digital signatures, their safety depends on the calculation of a finite field discrete logarithm this problem. Key to the method. First of all, choose a prime number p, the two rando
- The encryption algorithm using Merkle-Hellman knapsacks starts with a binary message. * The message is envisioned as a binary sequence P = [p1, p2, … ,pk]. * Divide the message into blocks of m bits, Po = [P1, P2, ... ,Pm], P1 = [Pm+1, .