- YeeTooMD5是免费的,开源的,它是在GPL许可下发布的,所有人都可以免费的使用它,修改它,并将它再次发布。 能够快速的计算出任意长度的字符串及任意类型文件的MD5值,并且用户能方便的检验结果. 能够输入MD5值,计算MD5计算值的匹配结果;可以打开任意文件并计算其MD5值。 -YeeTooMD5 is free, revenue, which is permitted under the GPL Release, everyone can use it free, modify
- mMD5.c * example for illustrating how to open a file from MATLAB * and perform an MD5 checksum. * * takes a file name and no return values. Matlab6p5 version and VC6++ * Reference: MD5 in C by Tian-tai Huynh
- 实现数字签名,首先用MD5对要发送的文件进行摘要,产生MD5码,然后将文件和摘要一同发送给对方进行验证,若两次的摘要相同,则说明文件在发送过程中没有被篡改,反之,篡改了。-Realize digital signature, first for sending in MD5 documents are the, produce the MD5 yards, then will file and the send to each other together for verification, i
- 使用格式:cmd 中打开生成的exe 后面加上存在的文件即可对文件进行MD5计算 使用参数传递的方式 测试使用VS2010-Use the format: cmd to open the exe file to append existing file encryption using the way of passing parameters tested using VS2010
- pb写的文件md5加密与文本加解密小工具,里面的dll可供其他语言调用,绝对的源码-pb write a text file encryption and decryption md5 gadget inside dll call for other languages, the absolute source
- 发布文件时用MD5签名来使文件的接收者确认文件的真实性。本源码提供MD5类来完成验证MD5签名对于相关联文件的正确性。-With MD5 signatures to enable the recipient to confirm the authenticity of the document file when publishing documents. The source provides classes to complete the verification MD5 MD5 signa