- 编译器必须为 3.3.2 编译时候要加参数 1)加载模块:insmod s3c2440a_camif.ko (设备节点为:/dev/v4l/video0) 2)运行程序:./ov9650_init (通过iic初始化ov9650芯片,运行一次即可) 2)运行测试程序:./testcamera (加-h可查看参数说明) 注: 1)驱动模块中不含摄像头芯片的iic初始化,初始化部分位于ov9650_init中。 2)若文件系统不支持2.6下的insmod命令,请
- 嵌入式linux多路AD转换驱动程序,四路测试通过 cat /dev/adc1234-Embedded linux multi-channel AD converter driver, four test cat/dev/adc1234
- MCP3424 ADC Chip This code gives you all the 8 Channel readouts at once. Readout abelectronics ADC Pi board inputs via C Required package: apt-get install libi2c-dev Compile with gcc: $ sudo gcc adcon1d.c -o adcon1d
- 8 Channels ADC This C language code, will read all 8 channel at once. This is based on the MCP3424 Chip. Readout abelectronics ADC Pi board inputs via C Required package: apt-get install libi2c-dev Compile with gcc: $
- I2c-dev.c is part of I2C equipment, access interface device, the access to the hardware is realized by i2c_adapter. It is during initialization, need to register a i2c_driver to the I2C Core. I think this is just to let the user access layer of I2C b
- in /dev you should do it mknod sparkusb c 180 200 insmod sparkusb.o install driver rmmod sparkusb unttall driver in examples gcc -o test test.c sparkey.o ./test- in /dev you should do it mknod s
- * This supports access to SPI devices using normal userspace I/O calls. * Note that while traditional UNIX/POSIX I/O semantics are half duplex, * and often mask message boundaries, full SPI support requires full duplex * transfers. There ar