- 个NFC读卡信息的例子源码,NFC技术由非接触式射频识别(RFID)演变而来,由飞利浦半导体(现恩智浦半导体)、诺基亚和索尼共同研制开发,其基础是RFID及互连技术。-A NFC card information example source code, NFC technology by non-contact radio frequency identification (RFID) evolved PHILPS semiconductor (now NXP), NOKIA and SON
- 恩智浦官方例程,附有中文说明,适合学习。(This software was adapted to work with a Keil MCB1700 board and the Keil RV ARM C-Compiler with as few modifications as possible. Note that modifications are not optimal, because ARM is a 32-bit machine while the original