- 基于ACO-OFDM调制的可见光通信技术-Visible light communication technology based on ACO- OFDM modulation
- Experimental demonstration of LayeredEnhanced ACO-OFDM in short haul optical fiber transmission link
- 光通信中采用OFDM时,信号必须为非负实信号,因此通常采用DCO-OFDM或ACO-OFDM技术,此代码为ACO-OFDM(In VLC the signal has to be real and unipolar. Number of schemes in VLC are proposed in order to provide a real and unipolar signal like U-OFDM , Flip-OFDM , spectrally factorized pptical
ofdm vlc
- 可见光通信经典的dco ofdm 和aco ofdm,加高斯白噪声信道,可以使用的。(The classic DCO OFDM and ACO OFDM in visible light communication, with Gaussian white noise channel, can be used.)