- MATLBA 信道仿真,完成信道卷积码循环码的编译码-MATLBA channel simulation complete Channel Convolutional Codes cycle code encryption
- 本文为LTE中用到的reed-muller码编码的C语言程序。RM码在LTE中的上行信道中使用。-This article is used in LTE reed-muller codes encoded C language program. RM codes in the uplink in LTE channel use.
- 文章详细介绍了TPC编码技术及信道容限, 是一篇不错的介绍TPC的文章-An important goal for a new communication system is to transfer information at a high rate while keeping energy consumption low. Shannon s channel capacity sets a limit on the tradeoff between the rate of infor
- 直扩码分多址DS-CDMA是利用高速的WALSH正交码序列作为地址码,与多用户信息数据相乘得到信息数据的直接扩频信号,再经过BPSK调制后发送出去,经过AWGN无线信道的传输后,在接收端与本地产生的地址码进行相关检测,从中将地址码与本地码一致的用户数据选出,把不一致的用户数据删除。-DS-CDMA DS-CDMA is the use of high-speed WALSH orthogonal code sequences as address code, with multi-user in
- 由于Turbo码在接近Shannon极限的低信噪比下仍然能够获得较低的误码率,所以在近几年已成为编码理论界研究的热门领域,在第三代移动通信系统的开发中,Turbo码被普遍认为是高速数据信道的纠错编码方式。现在人们对Turbo码的主要研究包括编码器、交织器的设计及软输入、软输出迭代译码的算法。-This kind of codes has given rise to a large interest in the coding theory because of the can still aeh
- 现代通信原理第十章程序代码,不错的程序,初学习者很好的程序-The Slepian-Wolf (SW) cooperation proposed in [1] is probably the first practical cooperative scheme that implements the idea of compress-and-forward. Through the exploitation of efficient distributed source coding (
- 本文设计了基于USB 端口的多路语音信号实时采集系统。在详细分析其硬件电路的功用与组成的基础上,给出了软件的流程图及部 分关键程序代码。通过在实验室环境下的系统测试可以得出,该系统具有采集速度快、支持热插拔、多路同时采集与存储、实时显示等优点,可作为对输入信号要求较高的语音信号处理系统输入端-In order to get high quality multi_channel speech data ,the USB based speech acquisition system with
- Alamouti空时码在有、无信道估计时的性能仿真,非常实用-Alamouti space-time codes with and without channel estimation performance simulation, very useful
- This the simulink file that demonstrates the fundametal principle of operation behind asynchronous CDMA systems using Welsh codes. The system performance can be evaluated by changing the processing gain at the transmitter and by increasing or decreas
- MIMO无线传输 无线传输 无线传输 -MIMO transmission model, JAKAFANI Quasi orthogonal space time block codes with four transmit and one receive antenans over flat fading channel with maximum likelihood detector (ML)
- 基于卷积码,AWGN信道的OFDM系统仿真-Based on convolutional codes, AWGN channel OFDM system simulation
- 这是一套完整的支持wimax 16e协议CTC的编译码程序, 主程序在demo.c 译码器:tcdecoder.c 编码器:tcencoder.c-/* This program simulates the classical turbo encoding-decoding system on PC.*/ /* It uses parallel concatenated convolutional codes described in Figure 2.9 in Chapter
- 根据3GPP25.141协议生成测试模式下的WCDMA系统基站测试数据格式,使用MATLAB产生业务信道。包括pn9序列生成、OVSF码、扰码、调制、扩频以及各码道的功率值加权叠加。-Agreement under 3GPP25.141 generate test mode WCDMA base station test data format, using the MATLAB generate traffic channel. Including pn9 sequence generatio
- Interleave Division Multiple access channel codes
- Interleave Division Multiple access channel codes
- GSM Channels Physical Channels Associated with frequency bands, time slots, codes Physical channels transfer bits from one network element to another Logical Channels Distinguished by the nature of carried information and the way to assembl
- VS2010及IT++4.2下实现PCCC在AWGN信道上的仿真-This program simulates Parallel Concatenated Convolutional Codes (PCCCs) of coding rate 1/3 using a turbo decoder with two SISO RSC modules. Reference: S. Benedetto, D. Divsalar, G. Motorsi and F. Pollara, "A Sof
- VS2010及IT++4.2下实现SCCC在AWGN信道上的仿真-This program simulates Serially Concatenated Convolutional Codes (SCCCs) of coding rate 1/4 using a turbo decoder with a SISO NSC module and a SISO RSC module. Reference: S. Benedetto, D. Divsalar, G. Motorsi and
- 用matlab编写的码率自匹配的联合信源信道编解码仿真平台。使用码率与信噪比自匹配的信道传输一张jpeg2000图片,信道编码方式为turbo码。-Joint source channel codec bit rate using matlab since matching simulation platform. Channel transmission bit rate and SNR since matching a jpeg2000 pictures, channel coding, t
- 维特比算法译码 适应于信道编码,包括卷积码,Turbo码等-Viterbi decoding program suitable for channel codes,including covolutional codes, Turbo codes,etc