- This m-file displays the time waveform for the Gaussian pulse function and the first and second derivatives of the Gaussian pulse function for a 0.5 nanosecond pulse width. Other values of pulse widths may be used by changing fs,t,t1. The program use
- RFID 原理及射频天线设计 首先简要介绍RFID 技术的基本工作原理,说明射频天线是RFID 系统设计的技术关键,然后介绍了几种基本的 RFID 射频天线及其工作原理,并针对普遍使用的偶极子天线在RFID 系统中方向性上的不足提出改进,最后,给出一个具 有全向收发功能的RFID 天线设计. 通过设计仿真工具模拟仿真,并进行实际样品测试,获得较满意的设计结果.,RFID antenna design theory and radio frequency RFID technology fi
- this report contains 2D and 3D radiation pattern representations using Feko software.creating feko software code for dipole array antenna and analyze there radiation pattern and discussing the results n comparing with the antenna theory-this report c
- Evaluates the self impedance and mutual impedance of coupled dipole, separate by distance delta which is comparable to wavelength of radiated wave.
- antenna dipole for RFID
- Antenna tool in matlab. H and E filed of the dipole antenna
- This a MATLAB based program that computes the: - Maximum directivity (dimensionless and in dB) - Radiation resistance (Rr) - Input resistance (Rin) - Reactance relative to current maximum (Xm) - Input reactance (Xin) - Normalized current
- 此程序为天线与电波课程中电振子方向图,描述了其方向的分布(This program is the direction of electrical dipole in antenna and radio courses, and describes the distribution of its direction.)
Equivalent Circuit of Dipole With Balun
- introduce network of dipole