- Symbian手机游戏源码 很经典值得有兴趣的研究分析 希望大家一起进步-Symbian mobile phone game is a classic source worthy of interest in research and analysis together with hope that we progress
- 学brew的朋友注意啦,该资料包括以下N多内容: BREW 学习之路.doc BREW编程经验——Dialog机制的使用方式.doc BREW环境下菜单的制作.doc BREW优化代码以避免堆存储碎片.doc BREW中 - 显示和图像.doc CDMA 1X业务平台BREW.doc dynamic app(module) access oem layer的机制介绍.doc IAlert 接口使用说明.doc IAlert接口使用说明.pdf ITopBo
- 根据需求分析的描述以及与用户的沟通,现制定系统实现目标如下: 界面设计简洁、友好、美观大方,保证直接上手便可游戏 操作简单、快捷方便 规则简单,方便游戏者进行游戏 实现智能规则判断 支持大型Web服务器,以Http协议通讯。 向PC端开发靠拢,为以后PC与手机互联奠定基础-According to the descr iption of needs analysis as well as with the user' s communication system i
- J2ME手机蓝牙联网五子棋对战游戏分析,详细介绍了其具体实现,值得参考的文档.-J2ME Mobile Game against Gobang Bluetooth networking analysis, described in detail their specific implementation, it is also useful documents.
- :手机游戏引擎中的图形引擎非常重要,它的好坏关系到手机游戏界面流畅情况以及对手机的硬件要求 程度.本文基于J2ME的MIDP2.0,讨论了手机RPG游戏弓l擎中图形引擎的设计与实现,包括地图数据文件 设计到读取、分析、加载和渲染.-: Cell phone game engine in the graphics engine is very important, it' s good or bad related to mobile phone games as well as t
- 基于J2ME的2D手机游戏引擎的分析与设计,是电子书-The 2D J2ME mobile phone game based on the analysis and design of the engine, is e-book
- 关于android游戏开发的基础性文档,关于平台说明和性能分析,以及游戏的设计-On the basis of documentation of the Android game developers on the platform descr iption and performance analysis, and game design
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Genetic Algorithm
- This is a source code for an application GAProject which is currently available on Android Play Store. The app provides basics about genetic algorithm which is widely used in fast algorithm analysis. The codes can be compiled with Android SDK 10 and
- 源码简介: 不说别的单说中国人的山寨能力在全球那绝对是数一数二的。这不FlappyBird这款虐心的游戏刚火了不多久国内的小伙伴们就按耐不住了。 本项目是FlappyBird(俗称像素鸟)的再现项目源码,包括Unity版本和cocos2dx版本,还带有一个详细的源码分析讲解pdf文档。 另外压缩包里还附带了一个Crack版的“不死鸟”apk,只要头不落地就不会死,同样附带破解过程的pdf分析文档。 涉及模块&技术 FlappyBird破解 FlappyBird Unity
- Matching Pursuit and orthogonal matching pursuit, Pattern Recognition bayes discriminant analysis algorithm, LFM pulse compression of the Matlab program.