- This example application is a collection of Flash Lite do s and don ts from the usability point of view. The application contains real examples and animations of static examples that help you to see problematic issues in real life on a Nokia
- The MindShare Architecture Series The MindShare Architecture book series includes: ISA System Architecture, EISA System Architecture, 80486 System Architecture, PCI System Architecture, Pentium Processor System Architecture, PCMCIA System Archi
- Android平板电脑开发实战详解和典型案例——光盘源码 此书出版时间:2013-02-01 从Android 2.0趣味特性、Android 4.0新特性的基础知识到完整综合案例,由浅入深,循序渐进地进行了详解,既适合Android 4.0初学者学习,也适合有一定基础的读者进一步提升之用。 第9章 3D应用开发基础 9.1 OpenGL及OpenGL ES简介 9.2 3D基本知识 9.3 旧约——OpenGL ES 1.x 9.3.1 OpenGL E