- 多普达(dopod)手机摄像头SDK含windows mobile源码及说明,Dopod Camera SDK including Windows Mobile sourcecode and descr iption
- android 2.3源代码中的camera部分,包括拍照,摄像,图片预览。-The camera part of the android 2.3 source code, including photographs, video, pictures preview.
- Logitech USB PTZ Camera Control example for Windows DDK/SDK.
- 视频解码器,云台控制,镜头控制,自动巡航,自动扫描,串口设置,地址位。-Video codec, PTZ control, camera control, automatic cruise, auto scan, serial port settings, the address bits.
- This Symbian C++ code example demonstrates how to easily use the onboard camera with zoom and autofocus, utilising an accompanying CameraWrapper made by Forum Nokia. The Camera Wrapper supports all Nokia s S60 devices based on S60 3rd Edition and new
- Wap Camera Sdk development
- Symbian程序,实现了在Sdk 3th 上的camera 引擎,包括调焦,自动对焦等功能-Symbian procedures Sdk 3th in the realization of the camera engine, including zoom, auto focus and other functions
- 一本日文的iPhone开发教程的附带源代码,原书在iPhone SDK 3.0下编译确认,在最新版本下运行需要自行修改编译器为最新。如果你不是开发者,清选择模拟器运行。 MusicRank 网页信息取得,在iphone表示的简单应用。可以从iTunes Store的音乐排行榜取得RSS信息并表示。 MapCast 把iPhone上的资源共享到网上。例如,将iPhone拍摄的带有GPS信息的图像上传到网上。 Nearby 使用Wordpress制作的観光情報网页的样式
- Android SDK supports the connectivity to the built-in camera. Using the camera to take photos is relatively easy. It is somewhat harder to setup the camera preview to work properly. In our main activity, we create the Preview object. This object
- windows mobile 标准SDK camera实例程序-windows mobile standard SDK camera example program
- 目前Samsung的Galaxy Tab和Nexus S均有前置摄像头,获取Android摄像头的详细信息,在Android 2.3 SDK中得到了增强: 在android.hardware.Camera类中,API Level 9的SDK中加入了两个比较重要的方法,-Currently Samsung' s Galaxy Tab and Nexus S has front camera, access to Android camera details in Android 2.
- Aviary 的拍照SDK,camera360的SDK还是模仿他的方式-Aviary camera SDK, camera360 of the SDK or imitate his way
- 手机摄像头扫描银行卡获取卡号等信息源码,使用时,需要申请App Token来配合使用-Phone camera to scan the card number and other information to obtain a bank card source
- 基于Android SDK 2.1 API环境的人脸检测程序,使用package cliu.TutorialOnFaceDetect包,代码内有部分英文注释,在拍照时候可用到人脸检测系统,使拍出的照片效果更清淅-Based on Android SDK 2.1 API environment Face detection program, using the package cliu.TutorialOnFaceDetect package, the code has some English
- Android module that takes a square photo using the native Android Camera APIs. The new Camera2 APIs the L release is not used because support has to go back to SDK version 14 for my own requirement. -Android module that takes a square photo using the
Android IP Camera (Hikvision) RTSP
- Connect to Hikvision IP Cameras natively without using the SDK. Connect directly to the RTSP service and stream using the native media player in Android