- 这是一篇比较有价值的关于MIMO信道估计与接收端信号检测的文章。-This is a valuable on the MIMO channel estimation and signal detection receiving end of the article.
- 信道检错编码,CRC编码,包括详细的注释,很不错的程序-Channel error detection codes, CRC codes, including detailed notes, a very good program
- 信道检错编码,CRC解码,包括详细的注释,很不错的程序-Channel error detection codes, CRC decoding, including detailed notes, a very good program
- TD-SCDMA系统联合检测中的信道估计、信道估计后处理、信道估计串行干扰消除后处理算法的源代码。其中,信道估计采用频域快速FFT法以减少运算量;后处理采用激活窗检测法,只保留激活用户的多径信息,其余置0,以达到降低干扰及噪声的目的;串行干扰消除可以消除多小区信道估计的干扰,以得到本小区的纯净信道估计结果。-TD-SCDMA system, joint detection of channel estimation, channel estimation and post-processing,
- OFDM通信系统调制解调 包括数字前端处理、卷积编码、峰均值抑制、符号定时、频偏检测、信道估计、相位补偿等-OFDM modulation and demodulation communication system including digital front-end processing, convolution coding, the mean peak inhibition, symbol timing, frequency offset detection, channel estim
- TD-SCDMA,1基站1单天线用户系统,瑞利多径信道,联合检测(JD)matlab程序-TD-SCDMA, 1 single-antenna base station a user system, Rayleigh multipath channel, joint detection (JD) matlab program
- 在通信系统中,信源编码器要尽可能压缩信源冗余度,提高编码效率。但是信源编码在实际信道中传输时,要受到噪声和衰减的影响,就会出现差错。因此信源码还必须经信道编码器再编码,然后再经信道传输至信道译码器,检出和纠正出现的差错,以提高信道传输的可靠性,这就是信道编码的目的。-In the communication system, source encoder to compress as much as possible source redundancy, improve coding effici
- fm3tr 实现的信道部分。 包括信道的纠错和检错。-fm3tr part of the channel realization. Including channel error correction and error detection.
- Iterative receiver techniques, multiple-input – multiple-output (MIMO) processing, and orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) are amongst the key physical layer technologies when aiming at higher spectral efficiency for a wireless comm
- Designing spectral e±cient, high-speed wireless links that o® er high quality- of-service and range capability has been a critical research and engineering chal- lenge. In this thesis, we mainly address the complexity and performance issues o
- 这是3GPP下行辅同步信道检测的算法 包含了两种关键问题,一个是检测准确率的提升,一个是算法复杂度的降低,非常好的程序。-This is the 3GPP downlink secondary synchronization channel detection algorithm includes two key issues, one is to enhance detection accuracy, a reduction in the complexity of the algorit
- 在3GPP系统中,初始小区搜索包含两步,这两步要用到主同步信号和辅同步信号。这篇文章介绍了一种辅同步信号检测的方法。-In 3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE) system,initial cell search procedure comprises two steps using primary synchronization signal (PSS) and secondary synchronization signal (SSS). This pape
- 多入多出(MIMO)系统可以获得比单发单收系统更高的容量,对于MIMO系统,最大似然检测是最优接收,但其 指数复杂度难以在实际中应用。针对该问题,结合格缩减理论提出了基于Householder变换的复数域格缩减算法,将该算法和 MIMO次优检测算法相结合,给出了量化判决方法,且该复数域格缩减算法复杂度小于实数域格缩减算法。仿真结果表明, 基于Householder变换复数域格缩减的MIMO次优检测算法,通过优化信道矩阵可以得到更好的判决域,取得了逼近最优最大 似然检测算法的性能。
- 为评估TD_SCDMA下行链路联合检测接收机的性能,使用MATLAB软件进行链路仿真,本程序主要是实现用户QPSK基带调制、扩频、加扰、形成时隙、形成子帧、以及进行脉冲形成滤波,通过加性高斯白噪声信道和瑞利衰落多径信道,信道估计、联合检测等几个主要过程,整个仿真都是在基带进行的。-Link simulation to assess the performance of the TD_SCDMA Downlink joint detection receiver using MATLAB soft
- 无线信道估计:基于mimo和ofdm信道估计理论,算法。包括 MIMO衰落信道的测量和建模方法; MIMO信道容量的分析; 基于MIMO的空时编/解码方法; 基于MIMO的接收机关键技术,如信道估计、均衡、多用户检测等。 -Radio channel estimation: theory, algorithms based mimo ofdm channel estimation. Include MIMO fading channel measurement and m
- 本程序用MATLAB对ZF,MMSE,SIC进行了快衰落信道的检测算法仿真。调制用的是BPSK,对初学3G的同志们来说很实用-This procedure using MATLAB to ZF, MMSE, SIC conducted a fast fading channel detection algorithm simulation. Modulated using BPSK, 3G comrades for beginners is very useful
- 实现mimo的zf mmse 和ml检测算法的代码,并有针对信道已知和未知的多路径通信-realization of ZF MMSE and ML detection for MIMO. And multiple-path communication with channel known and unkonwn
- 该算法和资料是针对信道估计的研究方向,结核和与多创新点。-The algorithm and information are directed at the channel estimation of the research direction, tuberculosis and multiple innovation points.
- 实现MIMO检测 MIMO(Multiple-Input Multiple-Output)技术指在发射端和接收端分别使用多个发射天线和接收天线,使信号通过发射端与接收端的多个天线传送和接收,从而改善通信质量。它能充分利用空间资源,通过多个天线实现多发多收,在不增加频谱资源和天线发射功率的情况下,可以成倍的提高系统信道容量,显示出明显的优势、被视为下一代移动通信的核心技术(The technology refers to transmitting and receiving antennas a
MPSK Moduation and Matched filter detection
- plot bit error rate for MPSK Modulation in AWGN Channel and use Matched filter detection in receiver