- 生成多项式为(561,753)的(2,1,8)卷积码的编码、译码、AWGN信道下的误码率性能的测试程序,Q matrix to solve the problem, according to input parameters can be calculated as a Q band random matrices, satisfy the following conditions, each row of the matrix, each row, each diagonal are a nu
- Expectation Maximization for training GMM s, diagonal covariances. Requires vqtrain.m to have a good initialization.
- OFDM Channel Estimator in time domain. Least Square Channel Estimator, Diagonal equaliser and LMMSE channel estimator.
- Estimates the power spectral densities (PSDs) using the EB method with q = 0 for deciding the diagonal loading.
- Estimates the power spectral densities (PSDs) using both the ICOMP method and Mallows CL for deciding the diagonal loading.-Estimates the power spectral densities (PSDs) using both the ICOMP method and Mallows CL for deciding the diagonal loading.
- Estimates the power spectral densities (PSDs) using the ML-based empirical Bayes method for deciding the diagonal loading.
- Estimates the power spectral densities (PSDs) using both the generalized Ridge Regression (GRR) method [Hoerl, Kennard] and the ordinary RR method with loading level decided by the harmonic mean (HKB) and a Bayesian estimator (LW) for deciding the di
- if you make a straight or diagonal line consisting of 5 cells. You will win!
- Pseudo Random Network Coding based on paper in the below: Pseudo Random Network Coding Design for IEEE 802.16m Enhanced Multicast and Broadcast Service. Where different techniques used to improve transmission times and recover transmission pa