- Windows mobile平台.Pocket Knight 是一个与众不同的免费国际象棋游戏。它的规则非常有趣,和标准的国际象棋有很大差异,但并没有影响它的耐玩性,反而增添了许多乐趣-Windows mobile platform. Pocket Knight is a unique free international chess game. It is very interesting to the rules and standards of international chess is
- This file is used to simulate performance of the FMT system with different modulation method in baseband。(该程序主要实现FMT系统差分编码下基带误码率分析!)-This file is used to simulate performance o f the FMT system with different modulation meth od in baseband. (The p
DA-NFC 读写NFC的的代码
- 一个读写NFC的的代码,Android版本必须是2.3.3以上,必须有NFC卡。 程序读取成功后会启动一个视频或者一个图片[视频请自己准备],这里只是为了区别读到的卡片-A code to read and write the NFC, Android version must be 2.3.3 above, must have NFC card. After the success of the program will start to read a video or a pictur
- GPS 定位授时源码,可以用来处理GPS 数据,计算用户坐标和时差,GPS time source positioning can be used to process GPS data to calculate the user coordinates and the time difference
- 我从网上下载了一个GA-PSO算法,试着利用GA和PSO组合的策略进行优化,结果算法很问题,效率和不错。我下载原始算法,有一个问题就是它是针对所有的设计变量上下限都是一样的,所以我对程序进行了修改与改进,现在可以处理上下限不一致的问题,同时fix了一些bug。-GA GA and PSO algorithm matlab program combined ion group When doing optimization, first choose the GA algorithm, bu
- 刚从中国移动公司拿到的最新彩信网关MM7 API,与原来不同的是这个API是完全开源的。-Just to get the latest China Mobile MMS Gateway MM7 API, and the original difference is the API is completely open source.
- 载波相位三差处理,用fortran语言编写的,对研究GPS载波相位差分的人有所帮助。-Three difference carrier phase processing, using the fortran language, the study of GPS carrier phase difference be helpful to people.
- 程序流程:中继呼入,直接开始录音,并生成固定文件名的录音文件。 程序界面: “每秒数据”表示每秒写入文件的数据大小。如果是3.4.0的DLL,应该是32K,替换修改过的DLL后是8K。 “时间差”表示从创建录音文件到生成录音文件数据的时间差。用来判断我们底层将数据写入文件的时间,如果是3.4.0的DLL,时间为4秒;替换修改过的DLL,时间为1秒。 环境搭建可以很简单,Demo端SS7 TUP运行该程序,另外一端SS7 TUP+模拟坐席,坐席摘机外呼遍可。-Program flo
- Andriod手机应用开发教程,view and sufaceView的区别-Andriod mobile phone application development tutorial, view and sufaceView difference
- 使用tapi进行拨号并在两台机器间校对时间的程序-Program which uses tapi to dial and checks time difference between two machines
- DPCM是differential pulse code modulation的缩写,也就是差分脉冲编码调制的意思。他的主要思想是通过已知的数据预测下一个数据,然后传递预测值与实际值之间的差值。-DPCM is a differential pulse code modulation acronym, that is, differential pulse code modulation mean. His main idea is known to the data through a dat
- anyDATA的cdma模块收发短消息与一般的GSM模块差异比较大,该文档给出了anyDATA的第一套短消息接口的流程。同时给出了详细的可扩展短消息的内容格式,可以使用anyDATA的第二套AT指令短消息接口像GSM模块一样轻松实现短消息的收发-AnyDATA resumption of cdma module发短消息general relatively large difference between GSM module, the document gives the first set o
- USB接口2.0和1.1又什么区别。USB目前支持三种传输速度:低速的1.5Mbps、全速的12Mbps、高速的480Mbps,USB1.1的固定连结端口可以连接所有速度的周边,但当高速的装置连结在USB1.1连结埠上时,仅能表现出12Mbps的速度。USB2.0的固定连结端口可以连结三种速度的周边装置,并确保所有USB应用硬件间的兼容性-USB interface 2.0 and 1.1 What is the difference between also. USB currently su
- 一个使用MSComm控件接受串口数据的例子,所不同的是,本程序可以实现多个串口同时接受数据-MSComm control acceptable to use examples of serial data, the difference is that this program can achieve a number of serial data at the same time
- This function generates Walsh Codes. The difference between this function and other functions available to generate walsh code is : 1. you can call this function directly in your scr ipt, you will have to pass only the value of a (length of code i
- 基于硬件定点的完整的costas载波恢复环设计,FPGA设计可以用之参考。包括输入QPSK信号,16倍符号率采样,初始频差2.4KHz,以及低通滤波器的设计等待。最重要的是有本人的注释,易于上手。-Hardware-based fixed-point of complete costas carrier recovery loop design, FPGA reference design can be used. Including input QPSK signal, 16 times th
- SKYPLOT for a given receiver position Y=skyplot(X,PRN,C,O) draws the skyplot for the receiver position. The required inputdata for the calculation of the skyplot X is N-by-3*M matrix, where N are the timesteps and M is the number of the Sat
- 通過改變調製指數SDM和DDM的可以改變和測試通常使用在ILS (Instrument Landing 系統內)可以隨著改變SDM和DDM來看出它的種種特性 -Program to find SDM (Sum Depth of modulation)and DDM (Difference depth of modulation)Used in ILS (Instrument Landing System) Created by:Ashwini Deshpande,
- 手机断点续传源码。手机上的应用越花哨就必然对应着需要下载的数据文件就会越大。目前绝大多数的手机浏览器,都支持gprs下载功能,所不同的是,绝大多数都没有断点续传的功能。里面提供的代码实现了断点续传的效果,运行nettest.exe,就会在其当前目录生成一个叫test.mp3的文件,屏幕上还显示下载进度。可以随时关闭,然后再次打开,看看断点续传的效果。在此基础上运用者可以根据自己所开发的实际需要更改代码,完成开发。-Mobile HTTP source. Application of the mo
- pi/4-qdpsk调制解调程序,能有效地进行差分解调和鉴频器解调,在一些不易提取载波的场合很有用。因此,利用仿真来研究系统是必要的。-pi/4-qdpsk modulation and demodulation process, can effectively reconcile the difference solution frequency discriminator demodulation, carrier extraction in a number of difficult si