- This m file models a DPSK UWB system using a delay in one leg of the mixer, correlation receiver low pass filter combination requiring no template for synching. Various waveforms are displayed throughout the system to allow the user to observe operat
- This m file models a DPSK UWB system using a delay in one leg of the mixer, correlation receiver low pass filter combination requiring no template for synching. Various waveforms are displayed throughout the system to allow the user to observe operat
- 平滑滤波器,内附计算实例,注意下载本人上传的头文件。-Smoothing filter, containing a calculation example, pay attention to download the first file I uploaded.
- The PDF file along with the MATLAB code will step you through how to use the MATLAB® Signal Processing Toolbox™ and the Filter Design Toolbox™ to analyze and optimize the design of the digital down-converter chain for GSM applications.-
- 关于fpga实现IIR滤波器资料文件,这是硕士生的论文,对论文的设计有很大帮助-IIR filter implementation on fpga data file, which is master' s thesis, the design of the thesis of great help
- xwch_test.m是主测试文件;biaoji.mat存放滤波器系数;xiangweicha.m用FFT计算相位差。 仿真框架为: 1.标记信号和双音信号续接作为发送信号; 2.对双音中一个频率分量的相位做偏移,再经过一个低通滤波器(引入线性相位,模拟收发不能同步测量现象)后,作为收到的信号; 3.用一个检测信号对收发信号进行相关运算; 4.画出收发信号以及相关处理后的信号。找出相关信号的那个尖点,从而推算出收发双音信号0相位点; 5. 输入0相位点位置,计算
- Java的中文问题通常会困扰很多开发者,你可能在开发Web应用程序的时候遇到中文参数的传递问题,最后你可能选择使用Filter把Request的编码方式设置为GBK来解决。在J2ME的开发中我们同样会遇到中文问题,比如在RMS中存储中文、网络传输中传输中文、从文件中读取中文等问题。-Chinese in Java, many developers often troubled, you may in the development of Web applications pass paramet
- Encrypt usb by file system filter driver
- 文件选择器,纯dialog形式,不需要素材文件和布局文件,可设置文件过滤类型(只加了简单几个,可以自己随便加,很容易)-File selection of pure dialog, no material file and layout files, you can set the file filter type (only a few simple, can seek to raise, it is easy)
- 可以实现对外部存储文件过滤 对图片文件实现展示-Can be achieved on the external storage file filter and display picture file
- Android SDK中并没有提供文件选择对话框,但是文件选择对话框有时候非常实用,这个代码是直接创建一个文件选择对话框,还可以设置文件过滤类型以及图标等等,非常实用-Android SDK does not provide file selection dialog box, but the file selection dialog is sometimes very useful this code to create a file selection dialog, you can se
- This file is to simulate the matched-filter. It help students to understand the principle of matched-filter.
- 收集了28个Java开发常用的工具类库源码,比如Base64.java加密解密、FileHelper.java文件帮助类、FileUploadUtil.java文件上传类、MD5Encrypt.java MD5加密类、MyFileFilter.java文件滤镜类、DateHandler.java类、Counter.java功能计数类等,另外还有CConst.java、Escape.java、SimpleConfig.java、StringHelper.java、CharTools.java等。C
- MATLAB仿真设计树形结构滤波器组 并将原来语音文件与滤波接收后的问价进行对比 能实现功能-MATLAB Simulation design tree structure filter bank and the original audio file and filter asking price after receiving comparison function can be realized
- it is a very very good file for filter design
- it is a very good file for filter design
- it is a very good file for band pass filters
A CMOS 0.35_m, 1.5V Multi-band RF Q-enhanced
- it is a very good file for tunable band pass filters
ajeee-1-3-1 (1)
- it is a very good file for tunable filter design
- 该程序基于MATLAB平台编写,实现了GPS/INS基于位置松组合的卡拉曼滤波算法,分为两部分,GPS_INS.m为组合算法主文件,输入捷联惯导平台实测数据,设置各量测噪声参数,在调用卡尔曼滤波函数进行数据融合校正,最后实现绘图功能;kalman_GPS_INS.m 为卡拉曼滤波程序,输入量测误差以及各噪声参数可得位置和速度估计值。(The program is based on MATLAB platform, and realizes the Kalman filtering algori