- 在通讯中,为了保证行运安全可靠,标准的串行口必须具有许多握手信号和 状态信息。这是因为通兜母鞲黾扑慊鶦PU速度不一样(这会导致“错帧”)以 及发送机发送数据速度比接收机接收速度快(这会导致“过冲”)。为解决这个 问题,我们采用一个简单的握手信号,即发送机每次仅发送半个字节(低4位) 的数据,而另外半个字节(高4位)则用来传送信息。我们可以对信息位(高4位) 进行如下简单的编码: 0H:发送的是新的半个字节数据 1H:重新发送上次传送错误的数据 2H:文件名结
- 控制串口输入和输出的,能够自动发送,请求应答的双向握手通讯方式.-control serial input and output that can automatically send the request back to the two-way handshake means of communication.
- 上位机与下位机的USB通讯,下位机采用新华龙的F340。实现了上位机与下位机的握手,可批量传送数据。,Host computer with the USB drive the next digital communications, the next crew of the new hualong F340. Achieved with the lower PC handshake machine can transmit data volume.
- 这是一个关于单片机于GSM模块握手通信的,发送其它AT指令相同,波特率96-This is a study on single-chip module in the GSM communication handshake, send the same as other AT commands, baud rate 96
- 详细描述了RS232物理细节。 典型地,串口用于ASCII码字符的传输。通信使用3根线完成:(1)地线,(2)发送,(3)接收。由于串口通信是异步的,端口能够在一根线上发送数据同时在另一根线上接收数据。其他线用于握手,但是不是必须的。-A detailed descr iption of the physical details of the RS232. Typically, serial code for the ASCII character transmission. 3 li
- 基于NMS的video access 3.1编写的DEMO程序 实现2个功能 1) H324握手 2) VIDEO MAIL-NMS-based video access 3.1 The DEMO program written two functions 1) H324 handshake 2) VIDEO MAIL
- PC与单片机通信的握手协议的建立,以及工业上单片机控制继电器的实例-PC with Single-chip communication handshake agreement set up, as well as industry examples Singlechip Control Relay
- 基于ISP1362的USB系统错误分析,ISP1362 检测到错误后,硬件上的握手包自动处理,该文档主要介绍软件方面的错误处理。-ISP1362' s USB-based analysis of system error, ISP1362 detected error, the hardware handshake packet automatic processing, the document introduces the error handling software.
- 串口通信的概念非常简单,串口按位(bit)发送和接收字节。尽管比按字节(byte)的并行通信慢,但是串口可以在使用一根线发送数据的同时用另一根线接收数据。它很简单并且能够实现远距离通信。比如IEEE488定义并行通行状态时,规定设备线总常不得超过20米,并且任意两个设备间的长度不得超过2米;而对于串口而言,长度可达1200米。典型地,串口用于ASCII码字符的传输。通信使用3根线完成:(1)地线,(2)发送,(3)接收。由于串口通信是异步的,端口能够在一根线上发送数据同时在另一根线上接收数据。其
- MSComm握手编写规则,MSComm控件属性描述,及通信过程出现问题,MSComm控件报错代码解析-MSComm handshake writing rules, MSComm control, property descr iption, and the communication process problems, MSComm control Baocuo Code Analysis
- USB驱动传输数据握手的例程。还有类似的很多程序,需要的话请留言免费赠送。-USB drive to transfer data handshake routines.
- GPIB通信控制模块,用VB编写的,包括与GPIB握手,与设备通信-GPIB communication control module, written with VB, including GPIB handshake communication with the device
- ARM7 LPC2132 串口调试例程 基于Board LPC21238实验板-// UART Sample Code // NXP Semiconductors // // MCB2130 Board LPC21238: runs in internal Flash // MCB2130 Ram: runs in internal RAM //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- 实现在Android上的SSL通信,android中只能使用BKS的加密和解密,配好BKS环境后可以通过以上代码实现功能-Implementation of SSL communication on Android, android can only use the encryption and decryption BKS, BKS environment with good code after the above functions
- jar [PL2303.rar] - Full compliance with the USB Specification v1.1 and USB CDC v1.1 Support the RS232 Serial interface Support automatic handshake mode Support - [PL2303.rar]- Full compliance with the USB Specification v1.1 and USB CDC v1.1 S
- This a sample how to send SMS using AT Commands like in HyperTerminal via GSM Modem or compatible GSm phone attatched to the PC Comport or USB port.. For this sample i used Huawei E160 GSM/HSDPA/GPRS modem.. demonstrate how to use MSComm Control