- Visual Basic是一个Windows系统下流行的应用程序开发平台。其方便的界面设计使程序员能节省大量时间,并把最大的精力集中在应用程序核心代码的编写上。VB4目前已成为Win95系统下一种最高效灵活的主流开发工具之一,而调用API应用程序接口则正是对VB4功能的强有力扩充,它使得VB4能够直接控制和处理PC硬件资源,而不必依赖于MS-DOS系统服务。可以说,正是借助于API使得VB即能隐藏大部分Windows编程的难点,同时又提供了使用Windows环境的灵活性。 -Visual B
- 实现窗口的最小化,隐藏应用程序到任务栏, 显示的时候单击一下任务栏上的图标即可-Achieved to minimize the window to hide the application to the task bar to show when a click of the icon on the taskbar
- Hope that this Tool help somebody There a lot of virus and its variants that have been shed much these days. and have these symptoms: they hide their files and they turn into shortcuts that have targeted to their virus.exe I too was a victim of t
- 一款可以记录人们陋习或者优点的app应用,使用fragment、支持应用间通信、可以拍照以及保存数据的复杂应用。-One can record people' s habits or advantages app applications using fragment, support inter-application communication, you can take pictures as well as complex applications to save data.