- The MDP toolbox proposes functions related to the resolution of discrete-time Markov Decision Process : finite horizon, value iteration, policy iteration, linear programming algorithms with some variants. The functions (m-functions) were developpe
- 瑞丽信道仿真 噪声信号由MATLAB函数randn(1,N)产生,它从均值为0、方差为1的正态分布中产生N个伪随机数。每次迭代时,要使用相应的标准差对噪声的幅度进行尺度变换,最后,将输入信号和噪声信号相加得到输出信号。-Ruili channel simulation noise signal by the MATLAB function randn (1, N) generated, which from the mean 0, variance for a normal distribu
- clear all snrdB_min = 0 snrdB_max = 10 SNR (in dB)limits snrdB = snrdB_min:1:snrdB_max Nsymbols = input( Enter number of symbols > ) snr = 10.^(snrdB/10) convert from dB h = waitbar(0, SNR Iteration ) -clear all snrdB_min =
- 基于自适应天线阵理论 ,给出了一种用于任意线阵天线的主波束赋形算法。该方法通过迭代获得一组最优权值 ,用来减小加权赋形方向图和期望方向图在主波束上的差别-Based on adaptive array theory, gives a linear array antenna for any beamforming algorithm main. The method is obtained by iteration of a set of optimal weights used to redu