- 串行口是计算机一种常用的接口,具有连接线少,通讯简单,得到广泛的使用。常用的串口是RS-232-C接口(又称EIA RS-232-C)它是在1970年由美国电子工业协会(EIA)联合贝尔系统、调制解调器厂家及计算机终端生产厂家共同制定的用于串行通讯的标准。它的全名是\"数据终端设备(DTE)和数据通讯设备(DCE)之间串行二进制数据交换接口技术标准\"该标准规定采用一个25个脚的DB25连接器,对连接器的每个引脚的信号内容加以规定,还对各种信号的电平加以规定。传输距离在码元畸变小于4%的情况下,
- android 1.5上的QQ代码,这个是LumaQQME的代码,他根据抓取的协议写的QQ,功能很强大-android 1.5 on the QQ code, this is LumaQQME code, in accordance with an agreement written by crawling QQ, a very strong function of
- Linux gprs通过串口收发短信的简单代码,仅供参考-Linux gprs send and receive text messages through a simple serial code, for reference only
- 我在项目开发过程中搜集的各种NMEA协议文档,用于开发各种与GPS相关的项目。-I am in the project development process to collect a variety of NMEA protocol document for the development of a variety of GPS-related projects.
- gps 协议解析(凯立德内部用)包含LINUX版,WINCE版,针对蓝牙GPS模块,和内置GPS模块。-gps protocol analysis (Kay Lide internal use) contains LINUX version, WINCE Edition for Bluetooth GPS module, and embedded GPS module.
- Varieties of the SMPP Client Test Tool available To install the SMPP Client Test Tool, download a version of the Test Tool to suit the environment on which it will run from the SMPP Forum website. There are a number of compressed variations ava
- MIDP手機的模擬器,可模擬在手機上跑的程式-MIDP phone emulator to simulate a program running on mobile phones
- 这是android的sdk开发库,是支持java的.android-sdk-linux_86-The Android SDK archive now only contains the tools. It no longer comes populated with a specific Android platform or Google add-on. Instead you use the SDK Manager to install or update SDK componen
- Linux下的DNW,其中secbulk.c是PC端USB驱动, dnw.c是写入工具-Linux, the DNW, which is the PC-side USB driver secbulk.c, dnw.c a writing tool
- Android 平台是 Google Phone 的手機作業平台,平台的底層採用了 Linux 作為作業系統 (圖一中的紅色部分),在Linux作業系統之下、內建了許多控制 裝置的驅動程式,包含藍芽(Bluetooth)、無線網路(WiFi)、隨插即用的USB 介 面等等,當然還有記憶體、銀幕、鍵盤、照像、音效等裝置的驅動程式,在 Linux 作業系統之上-Google Phone Android mobile phone platform is a platform
- gpsr路由协议c++实现,添加了除了距离因素以外的链路质量因素作为选路判据。-gpsr rouintg protocol, which added a new routing metric called etx in the original code.
- linux下,简单的串口收发通讯。串口配置在主函数中修改。-linux, a simple serial communication transceiver.
- ARM LCD显示 自己编写的程序 希望大家来-ARM LCD display his hope that a program written to see
- H264 standard graphic detail! ! ! Linux Device Driver for the third Samsung s3c2410 chip Chinese manu linux device drivers the latest v Qualcomm BREW platform training t This paper describes a platform e
- RS-232 串口通信 在Linux下 实现一个接收一个发送 程序简单 适用于初学者。-RS 232 serial communication realize in Linux a receiving a send program simple it is suitable for beginners.
- Touch screen driver建構在Linux2.6.29版本上搭配Android系統可以進行多點觸摸行為. 使用Atmel sensor IC.-Touch screen driver with a version built on Linux2.6.29 Android system can be multi-touch behavior using the Atmel sensor IC.
- 本書藉的目的是呈現給用戶的新的和有前途的移動平台 基於由Google提供的Linux操作系統。此外,將介紹 開源基礎軟件,它不僅支持發展,但也有可能成為未來主要的商業活動。-The purpose of this report is to present to the user the new and promising mobile platformbased on the Linux operating system and provided by Google. Additiona
- linux下对gps定位信息的接收以及解析,可以用在嵌入式arm开发板上-under linux gps positioning information received and resolved, can be used in embedded arm development board
- linux下的串口通信程序详解,给出测试程序来理解linux下的串口操作流程,例程receive.c用来接收从串口发来的数据,而例程send.c用来发送数据到串口。二者成功建立串口连接后,串口接收端会收到串口发送端发来的字符串数据“Hello,this is a Serial Port test!”。-serial communication program under linux Detailed test procedure is given to understand that under
- The SMS Server Tools 3 is a SMS Gateway software which can send and receive short messages through GSM modems and mobile phones.