- 3G Mobile Open Wide Door For E-commerce The 3G mobile Internet business in 3G era will obtain rapid development, but it still cannot become the ma in 3G era. In the age of 3G speech business, but is still a subject of value-added business will
- 将马随即放在国际象棋的8×8棋盘Board[8][8]的某个方格中,马按走棋规则进行移动。要求每个方格只进入一次,走遍棋盘上全部64个方格。编制非递归程序,求出马的行走路线,并按求出的行走路线,将数字1,2,……,64依次填入一个8×8的方阵,输出之。 测试数据:由读者指定。可自行指定一个马的初始位置(i,j),0<=i,j<=7。 -Ma was on the chess board 8 × 8 of the Board [8] [8] of a box, the hors