- Viterbi decoder for nonsystematic convolutional code. The encoder could be designed arbitrary through the generate matrix and parameter k. The number of row of generate matrix is output bits, and collom is constraint length. Parameter k is the number
- MIMO注水算法,仿真系统容量,信道H奇异值分解后V矩阵的PDF.亲测可运行。-The Capacity of a MIMO channel with nt transmit antenna and nr recieve antenna is analyzed. The power in parallel channel (after SVD decomposition) is distributed as water-filling algorithm the pdf of the matri
- 实现基于STBC的MIMO_OFDM通信系统在不同信噪比情况下接收端的误比特率的仿真。发射端包括基于基带调制、空时编码、导频插入、IFFT、串并合并以及添加循环前缀;接收端包括去除循环前缀、取出导频估计信道、FFT运算以及并串合并,空时解码等。仿真中采用QPSK、空时编码采用4*3的复正交空时编码矩阵。OFDM子载波数为100,每个子载波传输66个符号,每个符号2比特。IFFT长度为512个符号。发射天线为3个接收天线为2个。(The BER simulation of MIMO_OFDM co