- this report contains 2D and 3D radiation pattern representations using Feko software.creating feko software code for dipole array antenna and analyze there radiation pattern and discussing the results n comparing with the antenna theory-this report c
- 刚接触android,代码写的不好.只能实现功能. 前提手机必须装上SD卡,程序的配置文件保存在SDCard/DSGJ/mytxt.txt 定时关闭电话.定时开启电话,主要是为了在睡觉期间,减少辐射和不接电话. 定时关机,由于是智能手机.只能切换到飞行模式.(系统缺陷), 如果真的关机了,只能手动开机. -New to android, the code is badly written. Can only achieve function. Phone must be
- 苏州大学电院毕设:电磁波辐射指标SAR值的计算,包括单值计算以及多值折线图绘制,折线图具有触摸功能(点击、移动、放缩)-The calculation of the SAR value of the electromagnetic radiation index includes the calculation of the single value and the multi-value line drawing. The line chart has the touch function (