- Jitter is extremely important in systems using PLL-based clock drivers. The effects of jitter range from not having any effect on system operation to rendering the system completely non-functional. This application note provides the reader wi
- 它是基于sip协议的一种软电话软件很好用也在通讯行业也用的很广泛-It is based on sip protocol very well with a soft-phone software is also used in the communications industry is also a very wide range of
- 长按拖动效果,类似于Android桌面的效果,基于Layout改写,适用面广-Press and drag effects, similar to the Android desktop effects, based on the Layout rewritten for a wide range of
- 基于ZigBee的短距离无线通信网络技术,是个文档-ZigBee-based short-range wireless communications network technology, is a document
- MD231_OPENAT 解决方案提供一种基于MD231无线GSM/GPRS数传硬件模块的开放二次开发平台。 MD231_OPENAT提供了一系列的针对MD231通讯模块的接口函数、参数配置和调用规则。 程序员可以很容易的利用MD231_OPENAT SDK  开发包快速的开发SMS/GSM/GPRS通讯业务程序-MD231_OPENAT MD231-based solution provides a wireless GSM/GPRS data transmission har
- Based on the Duffing equation, a Duffing oscillator algorithm (DOA) to improve the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) was presented. By simulated and experimental data sets, it was proven that the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the weak signal could be gr
- Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) systems have recently received a lot of attention in supply chain applications. One of the challenges facing RFID in this application domain is the fast identification of a large number of tags that are simul
- 基于VC++平台开发的企业*系统,有很好的应用范围-VC++ platform based on enterprise Short Message System, has a good range of applications
- Through intense R & D efforts and partnering with its sister companies, particularly GAO Research Inc., GAO RFID offers a complete range of RFID software including embedded software running on RFID readers, embedded software running on microprocessor
- 提出了基于无线传感器网络的浮标网络水下GPS定位系统模型,分析了 该模型的结构、功能以及工作过程,并从几何角度探讨了水下目标的声学定位算 法。结合Range-Free算法与分布式算法的思想,设计了一种传感器节点自定位算 法,称为BSR(Beacons Signal Ring)定位算法,并对该算法的性能进行了评估与 比较。该算法在锚节点处的信标信号中引入能量等级的机制,无需相邻传感器节 点间信息交换,有效降低了算法复杂度与通信开销。性能分析结果显示,该算法 性能良好,在应用
- Android 是一种基于 Linux® V2.6 内核的综合操作环境。最初,Android 的部署目标是移动电话领域,包括智能电话和更廉价的翻盖手机。但是, Android 全面的计算服务和丰富的功能支持完全有能力扩展到移动电话市场以外。Android 也可以用于其他的平台和应用程序。本专题提供的教程、技术文章首先带大家了解 Android 开发,进而深入到 Android 开发的各个方面。-Android is a Linux V2.6 kernel-based operating
- 基于vc++GPS数据解析,种类齐全,使用价值高,适用新手上手开发-Based on vc GPS data parsing , full range of high value in use , applies to the novice get started development
- android多线程断点下载,通过本Android下载实例,可了解到以下知识技巧:实时得到文件下载的长度,设置获取实体数据的范围、获取文件已下载文件长度、原始文件长度、线程数、本地保存文件、缓存各线程下载的长度、每条线程下载的长度、获取线程数、获取文件大孝更新指定线程最后下载的位置、构建文件下载器、保存记录文件、根据响应获取文件大孝监听下载数量的变化,如果不需要了解实时下载的数量,可以设置为null、循环判断是否下载完毕等基础知识。 这里请注意,对于UI控件的更新只能由主线程(UI线程
- Opportunistic Large Array 的MATLAB 模拟器. Object oriented Event Based 无线广播 支持OLA 累积Relay重发信号以达到最佳解码效果 节点位置可随机或以网格生成 可控制调变方式 独立节点间无线传输信道模型 可调随机生成信噪比范围 生成显示各节点位置图 生成各节点接收所需OLA副本数量图 生成各节点误码率图 生成各节点HOP-COUNT图
- 针对宽带高分辨雷达体制下的未知速度运动目标检测问题, 基于高分辨一维距离像提出一种新的非相干积累算法. 首先利用改进的双向维特比算法估计目标速度及强散射点位置, 提高了低信噪比下 的估计精度, 然后在强散射点周围选取待检测单元进行非相干积累, 进一步提升了检测性能. 两类飞机实测数据的多个实验结果表明, 当目标发生距离走动的情况下, 该算法性能相对传统的非相干积累算法有明显的提高.-For unknown broadband speed moving target detection pro
- android二维码实例,核心基于Zxing,来自Google,使用较广泛的android手机二维码识别读取类,源码内包括了Google官方的Zxing Core核心类文件-android dimensional code examples, the core based Zxing, from Google, using a wider range of android phones to read two-dimensional code recognition category, the
- 基于linux的openbts源代码,仿真BTS,现实短信发送,接收,监听范围内手机用户信息等功能。-Linux-based openbts source code, simulation BTS, display text messages to send, receive, within the range of mobile phone users to monitor information and other functions.
- 应用伪距差分原理的GPS信息解码程序,减小误差(The GPS information decoding program based on pseudo range difference principle is applied to reduce the error)
- FMCW frequency modulated continuous wave radar range and angular measurements, Based on wavelet transform digital watermarking algorithm matlab code, Isodata iterative self-organizing data analysis.
- 一种基于LFM和Barker码复合调制的雷达波形,理论上分析了该低截获雷达波形的组成。通过仿真得到复合调制信号的时域波形、频谱图和模糊函数图,与LFM信号和Barker码信号对比分析对复合调制雷达信号的距离和多普勒模糊函数、截获因子等进行了研究。(A radar waveform based on LFM and Barker code modulation is presented. The composition of the waveform is analyzed theoretical