- a mine sweeper game on smartphone, using Visual Studio.net 2005 in C#-a game on smartphone. using discontinued in C#
- wince6.0平台上的任务管理器,功能类似于windows的任务管理器. In order to develop applications for Windows Mobile 6.x from within Visual Studio 2005 or 2008, you need to download a separate SDK from Microsoft. The SDK also ships with a full featured emulator, a powerful a
- 用c++在visual studio环境下做的简单的短信猫收发程序,对初学者帮助很大-Using c++ in visual studio environment to do a simple send and receive SMS cat program, very helpful for beginners
- Mobile手机录像,获取源数据是WMV9格式,输出格式为ASF Requirements: Visual Studio 2005, Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK, ActiveSync 4.0.-Feature Area: Video capture Descr iption: This sample provides the basic video capture functionalities:
- 2011年,若水工作室制作了《Android开发从零开始》系列课程,感谢大家的鼓励和支持。为了进一步提高Android开发培训水平,2012年若水工作室又倾心制作的项目实战视频『若水新闻』客户端开发教程,今天终于与大家见面了。 本系列课程目标 a.提高UI设计能力 b.巩固Android程序设计基础 c.异步更新UI d.掌握Android中HTTP通信 e.掌握JSON格式解析-In 2011, Flow studio produced a series of courses of the A
- SMAL是short message abstract library的缩写,是由风起水流软件工作室(www.zealware.com)开发的一个支持短信网关系统开发的C++底层抽象接口库,通过对移动、联通、网通、电信等运营商使用的各种短信协议和底层通信的抽象封装,SMAL实现了一个高度自适应的短信协议栈,包括CMPP,SGIP,SMPP,SMGP,CNGP,EMPP等短信协议,同时可以很方便地在上面扩展实现新的协议和自定义的内部协议等。 SMAL目前支持的协议包括中国移动的CMPP2.0,
- 该程序演示了如何在各种USB FUNCTION之间进行切换.一个典型的应用就是把Windows Mobile/WINCE变成U盘使用. 注意设备一定要有支持USB Function Driver的硬件(即USB Client Control),一般市面上的智能手机/PDA都具有此功能.该功能适用于WINCE5.0以上内核. 使用Visual Studio 2005编译.C#代码. -Make you Windows Mobile Device a usb disk. C# cod
- 可以调整Windows Mobile 5.0 and Pocket PC menus。-You will find the resource data for this menu structure in two separate places: the rc and rc2 files. In the rc file associated with your project, you will find the definition of the menu that p
- A software defined radio is a transmitter and receiver system that uses digital signal processing (DSP) for coding, decoding, modulating, and demodulating data. This project focused on using the IEEE 802.11a specification to create a software radio.T
- 开发USB驱动的经验,driver studio+VC6+DDK,很详细的介绍-USB driver development experience, driver studio+ VC6+ DDK, a very detailed descr iption
- 获取Mobile当前进程列表,List View的用法 Requirements: Visual Studio 2005, Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK or Windows Mobile 5.0 Smartphone SDK, ActiveSync 4.0. -Descr iption: This sample is a process viewer for CE devices. Usag
- Mobile短信拦截 Requirements: Visual Studio 2005, Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK or Windows Mobile 5.0 Smartphone SDK, ActiveSync 4.0.-Descr iption: This sample demonstrates how to implement a MAPI Rule Client, a COM object
- 创建Mobile今日主题项目,当前内存查看 Requirements: Visual Studio 2005, Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK, ActiveSync 4.0.-Descr iption: This sample illustrates how to create a custom Today screen item for Pocket PC. Relevant APIs
- Wap小新图片系统是由Wap小新软件工作室开发,本系统是Wap网站的图片程序,后台采用.NET平台软件管 理授权方式是一机一码制,注册一个授权码只能在一台电脑管理网站,可以做多个网站、但是后台只能 在授权的电脑管理,注册一个授权码是500元/年,如果同时注册两个授权码、另一个授权码算半价,也 就是同时注册两个授权码750元/年。 网站运行环境:ASP空间+Sql Server数据库,空间支持必须Aspjpeg 后台功能: 后台演示请联系Wap小新软件工作室客服
Android Studio application
- Android provides a rich application framework that allows you to build innovative apps and games for mobile devices in a Java language environment. The documents listed in the left navigation provide details about how to build apps using Android's va
- SlidingMenu是一个开源的侧滑菜单。 为大家的安卓程序提供侧滑菜单,这个功能也非常有用。(SlidingMenu is an open source side slip menu. To provide a skid menu for Android programs, this function is also very useful.)
- 主要是用到了Accessibility,它是Android从API 4开始提供的一个功能,主要目的是帮助一些因为有视觉,听觉,身体障碍而无法完全使用触摸屏或铃声等的用户来使用Android的,但现在很多开发者都用它来实现一些其他功能,比如说微信抢红包,自动安装APK,强制停止应用等.实际上就是通过监视一个应用的界面元素状态的变化,来自动响应执行一些操作.(The main use of Accessibility, which is a function that Android provide
- Android 集成 Eigen库,具有Eigen适用范围广,支持包括固定大小、任意大小的所有矩阵操作,甚至是稀疏矩阵;支持所有标准的数值类型,并且可以扩展为自定义的数值类型;支持多种矩阵分解及其几何特征的求解;它不支持的模块生态系统 [2] 提供了许多专门的功能,如非线性优化,矩阵功能,多项式解算器,快速傅立叶变换等。(Android integrates Eigen library, which has a wide range of Eigen applications, support
- 一个简单,轻量的计步器app,使用硬件传感器计算步数,而且对电池的消耗非常小。 对学习计步功能而言是不错的项目。(A simple, lightweight pedometer app uses hardware sensors to calculate the steps, and the battery consumption is very small. It is a good project for learning step counting function.)
- 可以实现俄罗斯方块的游戏,使用Android Studio 3.1开发(The game of a-TetrisGame can be realized and developed with Android studio 3.1)