- iic总线控制器VHDL实现 -- VHDL Source Files: i2c.vhd -- top level file i2c_control.vhd -- control function for the I2C master/slave shift.vhd -- shift register uc_interface.vhd -- uC interface function for an 8-bit 68000-like uC u
- 展讯SC6600D例程,包含定时器和串口通讯例子-Spreadtrum SC6600D routines, including timers and serial communication example
- CA_Code_Generator.vhd用于生成GPS的32颗卫星的CA码程序,经过测试验证并消除了毛刺;CA_TEST_BENCH.vhd内带测试程序,直接可调用MODELSIM进行测试验证,留有用户接口,方便用户产生其他卫星的CA码。-CA_Code_Generator.vhd used to generate the 32 GPS satellites CA code program, tested and verified to eliminate the burr CA_TEST_
Xilinx USB JTAG 下載端程式
- Xilinx USB JTAG 下載端程式 -The jtag_logic.vhd in this directory describes the logic for a parallel-serial converter to be connected to a FT245BM USB chip from FTDI Inc
- iic总线控制器VHDL实现 -- VHDL Source Files i2c vhd -- top level file i2c_()