- 诺基亚Widget的入门例子。这是一个可以允许用户获得他旅游时的位置信息的例子。-This Web widget application allows the user to track the route he or she has travelled. The application demonstrates the usage of the Location Service API for S60 Web Runtime for retrieving the current lo
- 本开源项目提供了一个Symbian平台下的自定义控件CHtmlControl,它是一个轻量级的HTML/CSS解析和渲染的控件,可以轻松支持复杂的界面效果,也可以用来显示Web内容。 -This open source project provide a CCoeControl derived class which allows Symbian C++ developers to build custom UI or to render simple web page by using HTM
- Different applications have different requirements. Some apps are a better fit with web technologies than others. Knowing the pros and cons of each approach will help you make a better decision about which path is appropriate for your situation.
- Android Web App with HTML,CSS and javascr ipt.
- Mobile Web Development,This article is a review of Duda Mobile. A mobile website develop tool which allows you to create custom mobile websites. In this article, we review Mobify, a web-based mobile site creator, and use it to convert a desktop sit
- Ionic 是一个神奇的框架和强大前端开源系统,使用先进的 web 技术比如 CSS、HTML 和 JS 来创建令人惊叹的手机应用。它已经定制了在所有手机设备上的快速操作,并且确保简单的功能和大量的手机组件。 您可以通过一个命令创建来测试和使用基于任何平台上的 ionic 应用。此外,该框架为它自己的组件提供了一套 Angular 指令(自定义的 HTML 元素),从而使它可以简单的编写一行 HTML 代码。类似指令,它使用视图动画逻辑,异步通信,Angular 的触摸识别和 HTML 清洁
- a simple Javascr ipt, html5 and css game, for a web development course