- VC编写的brew平台G-sensor 平衡游戏测试和反弹测试用例,可以在brew平台上跑,屏幕大小请调节为240*400.屏幕显示的x和y分别是与地心引力夹角角度,是个模拟3D空间的。绝对原创-VC platform for the preparation of the brew and the G-sensor test rebound test cases can be run in the brew platform, please adjust for screen size 240*
- Irrlicht (pronounced [ˈ ɪ ɐ ̯ lɪ ç t] in German) is an open source 3D engine written in C++. It is cross-platform, officially running on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and Windows CE and due to its open nature ports to other systems
- This book covers the basics in both theory of 3D and implementations using the industry standard OpenGL ES toolkit for small devices. While Android can support both flavors—version 1.x for the easy way, and version 2.x for those who like to get
- Cocos2d-x 3D模型渲染, 显示MD2模型-Cocos2d-x 3dmodel
- Android平板电脑开发实战详解和典型案例——光盘源码 此书出版时间:2013-02-01 从Android 2.0趣味特性、Android 4.0新特性的基础知识到完整综合案例,由浅入深,循序渐进地进行了详解,既适合Android 4.0初学者学习,也适合有一定基础的读者进一步提升之用。 第9章 3D应用开发基础 9.1 OpenGL及OpenGL ES简介 9.2 3D基本知识 9.3 旧约——OpenGL ES 1.x 9.3.1 OpenGL E