- 基于网络的MIDlets简介 通过这个简介以及网络MIDlet和servlet的范例,你将有能力开发自己的网络MIDlets和相应的servlets。在诺基亚论坛的《一个基于网络的MIDlet范例:老虎机》[FRUITMAC]一文中,介绍了使用这种技术(甚至部分源码相同)的更为复杂的例子。-network-based MIDlets brief profiles as well as through the network and servlet MIDlet example, you wi
- 基于Eclipse开发的一个简单实例web项目-校园BBS系统,包含了该web项目的全部代码,非常适合于学习Eclipse开发web项目的范例。,Eclipse-based development of a simple example of web projects- Campus BBS systems, the web project contains all the code, Eclipse is ideally suited to study the example of the d
- 基于Eclipse开发的一个简单实例web项目-比网上购物系统,包含了该web项目的全部代码,非常适合于学习Eclipse开发web项目的范例。-Eclipse-based development of a simple example of web projects- more than online shopping system, the web project contains all the code, Eclipse is ideally suited to study the ex
- 基于Eclipse开发的Web项目,对于学习研究大型web项目的人来说这是一个很好的选择,不仅包含了全部源代码,还有基本讲解,真是web项目开发学习的首选。-Eclipse-based development of Web projects, study and research for large-scale web projects for this is a very good choice, not only contains all the source code, there are
- 基于web service平台的,用j2me编写的一段关于声音的java代码-Based on the web service platform, with a written on j2me voice of Java code
- 基于SSH的JAVA WEB的典型的MVC框架下的人力资源方案一个很好的例子-A good example of SSH-based human resources program under typical MVC framework of JAVA WEB