- 使用java 开发的手机小游戏,海上反潜大战,画面和音效都不错,可以实际装入Nokia的s60的手机玩,希望大家能喜欢谢谢,-use small mobile games, sea anti-submarine war, images and audio is pretty good, and can actually load the release of the Nokia mobile phone play, I hope you will like to thank you,
- 在2005年我使用java开发的一套BS系统。对初学者很有帮助。-I use java development of a set of BS system. Helpful for beginners.
- 我喜欢java,我现在在武汉最好的软件公司开发大型ERP系统,虽然我还不满20岁,但是在项目开发方面,已经不错了!-I like java, I now in Wuhan, the best software companies to develop large-scale ERP systems, Although I also dissatisfied with the 20-year-old, but in project development, not bad!
- 用来测试手机java的音效程序,是我作手机开发的时候写的-used to test the audio phone java process, I make handset development time of writing
- 我写的手机版俄罗斯方块游戏! 里面就两个类! 有很详细的注释! 参考文献: 精通java手机游戏与应用程序设计 陈立伟 张克非 黎秀红/编者-I wrote a mobile phone version of Tetris game! Inside on two categories! A very detailed notes! References : proficient java mobile games and applications design-Yi
- java/C#的移动程序设计一书的全部源码,是我托人在图书馆下的哦,由于文件名的问题,须将zip结尾去掉,改为ISO结尾 好东西啊!~-java / C# procedures for the movement of the design of an all-source, I was under the Trustee of the Library of oh, As the file name, zip should end removed and replaced ISO end of
- 一个用j2me环境构造的股票交易的例子,,本人觉得对初学JAVA有很大的帮助-j2me environment with a structure transactions example, I think right novice Java will be very helpful!
- 提供给JAVA入门者,免費下载PPT和源码 很多网友问我学习Java有没有什么捷径,我说“无他,唯手熟尔”。但是我却很愿意将自己学习的一些经验写出来,以便后来者少走弯路,帮助别人是最大的快乐嘛! 要想学好Java,首先要知道Java的大致分类。我们知道,自从Sun推出Java以来,就力图使之无所不包,所以Java发展到现在,按应用来分主要分为三大块:J2SE,J2ME和J2EE,这也就是Sun ONE(Open Net Environment)体系。J2SE就是Java2的标
- java的小程序,上传了好几次都没成功,不知怎么回事...再试试看看....再不行就叉了-small procedures, a number of upload never succeeded, I do not know how the case ... try again to see it .... If there is not a fork
- 1、将jre文件夹复制到你本机所在的JDK下覆盖掉全部jre文件夹 2、将lib文件夹复制到你项目所在的lib,添加对应lib import org.smslib.IOutboundMessageNotification; import org.smslib.Library; import org.smslib.MessageEncodings; import org.smslib.MessageProtocols; import org.smslib.OutboundMessa
- 首先到sun下载最新的jmf,然后安装。http://java.sun.com/products/java-media/jmf/index.jsp 然后,说一下需求 1. 用摄像头拍照 2. 在文本框输入文件名 3. 按下拍照按钮,获取摄像头内的图像 4. 在拍下的照片上有一红框截取固定大小的照片。 5. 保存为本地图像为jpg格式,不得压缩画质 技术关键,相信也是大家最感兴趣的部分也就是如何让一个
- Java游戏中的AStar算法源代码,根据以往网络上的代码改编,给学习J2me的朋友一些参考,有的地方写的不好,本人也是在摸索中-AStar algorithm source code in Java games, according to the code adapted in the past on the network, to learn J2me friends some reference in some places is badly written, and I was grop
- 本人写的第二个J2ME游戏,是个横板飞行射击游戏,游戏带有音效、碰撞检测、爆炸动画、简单的RMS记录分数。数字键0为使用炸弹。由于条件限制,未在真机测试过。-I wrote the second J2ME games, is a horizontal board flight shooting game, games with sound effects, collision detection, the explosion animation, a simple RMS record scor
- 第一章:J2ME概述 第二章:开发J2ME程序 第三章:J2ME配置 第四章:J2ME简表 第五章:设置开发环境 第六章:CLDC API 第七章:使用Kjava GUI组件的开发 第八章:使用Kjava事件处理的开发 第九章:MIDP API 第十章:CDC API 第十一章:总结 -Chapter I: J2ME outlined in Chapter II: Chapter III of the dev
- 多格式文本阅读器是一个简单的j2me手机应用程序,它支持普通文本、Unicode、UTF-8等多种文本读取,适合j2me编程的初学者学习参考使用。-Text of multi-format reader is a simple cell phone j2me application, it supports plain text, Unicode, UTF-8 text to read, etc., suitable for beginners to learn j2me programming
- J2ME源程序“钻石连连看”的代码,希望大家下载作为学习研究之用。-J2ME source " Diamond Lianliankan" code, I hope you download for use as a study.
- 一个自己编写的手机格斗游戏,有两个角色可供选择。包括必杀技-I have written a mobile fighting game, there are two roles to choose from. Including nirvana
- 一款很不错的基于J2me的Java游戏源代码,1945飞行射击,飞机作战,这是第二版,比第一版更好玩,源代码完整,资源图片都在压缩包内,编译时候要导入支持库,网上有下载,祝你好运。 -A very good game based J2me of Java source code, 1945 flight shooting, aircraft operations, this is the second version is more fun than the first edition, s
- sample for j2me text field.sorry this all i have, i m just a newbie in programming
- 《Micro JAVA游戏开发》 开发支持J2ME/MIDP的设备游戏的详细指导教程,内容包括可用的设备到支持J2ME软件标准的讨论、J2ME扩展的概要-Micro Java Game Development is your step-by-step guide to creating games for devices that support J2ME/MIDP. The material covers a full range of topics, from a tour of a