- 记录从GPS接收器收到定位的信息,并显示其路径。-records from the GPS receiver for positioning information received, and that its path.
- gps首先手机要有上网的硬件条件,然后获取某一网络地址映射的GUID ,最后通过调用ConnMgrEstablishConnectionSync函数让手机自己选择某一最 佳路径.-gps first mobile phone to have access to the Internet hardware conditions, and then access to a network address mapping of the GUID, the final ConnMgrEstablis
- reconverted. Using this circuit you can communicate with your neighbors wirelessly. Instead of RF signals, light a laser torch is used as the carrier in the circuit. The laser torch can transmit light up to a distance of about 500 meters. The phot
- __ EmotivEEG headset toolbox __ -------------------- Used to query the EDK library in order to recieve EEG data from the Emotiv EEG headset(__ Files in Toolbox __ (note dlls may need to be supplied by you): -------------------- 22/03/2011 01: