- 这是2005年6月云南移动短信网关升级到3.0时写的,在SP那稳定运行了很长时间的。因为SP倒闭了,贴出来给有兴趣的朋友参考。 优点:支持多线程、滑动窗口、异步发送、全事件模式、自动识别ASCII、GBK、UCS-2 缺点:不支持长短信自动分页、不支持PROVISION接口(偶的PROVISION接口是用WEB SERVICE实现的)-Is about mobile sms!
- This program is ICQ SMS Receiver. You have certainly seen that almost every web site provides an option to send e-mail to that web site s owner. But what about SMS? It is now also possible, if your mobile phone service provider supported by ICQ
- 一个大型的系统集成项目源程序。是一个eib智能照明系统的集成项目源程序。其中子项目有:EIB Server,AMX Server,SMS Server,Voice Server,Web Server,EIB Mobile。-Project Descr iption This project is a complete EIB (European Installation Bus) integration suite. The Applications within the project
- 手机短信WEB平台,完整版-message service for mobile ,B/S,JAVA
- This Sample Project Contains How we can Send SMS on single or Many Mobile No s through Web application by using Service Provider It also Contains Database Backup file. This Website is in VS2005 with Sqlserver 2005 as Back End
- PlaySMS是一个灵活的基于web的短信平台,可连接短信网关、个人信息系统以及企业的群组通讯工具等。 功能亮点: ?多个数据库引擎支持(使用PHP PEAR DB ) ?发送短信到单一的移动电话( web2mobile ) ?发送短信广播到一组手机( web2mobiles ,*) ?支持发送文字,闪存和unicode消息 ?能够处理大量的短信( 500K短信包月)(PlaySMS is a flexible SMS platform based on Web, whic