- This C++ example demonstrates how to create multimedia messages using the CMmsClientMtm API. Notice that some methods have changed between S60 2nd and 3rd Edition.
- NOKIA手机的基于C++的socket完整的开发API,非常好用-Nokia phones based on the C socket complete development API, very handy
- S60 SDL is a Simple DirectMedia Layer adaptation for S60. SDL is a cross-platform multimedia library: Applications and libraries built on SDL can easily be ported to other operating systems. But S60 SDL does more than makes porting easy: S60 multimed
- This updated C++ example demonstrates how to create multimedia messages using the CMmsClientMtm API. The updated example has been tested to support S60 5th Edition and touch UI. Important classes: CMsvEntry, CMmsClientMtm.
- Symbian C++ 关于当地时间的样板案例,里面包括了如何增加,删除,找到当地时间,适合于S60 3rd Edition-This C++ code example demonstrates how to convert UTC time to local time using the time zone server (RTz) and how to add, remove, or find a city in the database using the TZLocalizer API,
- Series 60 开发平台 2.0:C++应用开发入门.诺基亚Series 60开发平台2.0使用Symbian OS,能够为应用开发者提供大量的API,以便开发出丰富多彩的而且性能稳定智能电话应用软件。本文描述了如何用C++为Series 60开发平台2.0开发一个简单的应用程序。Series 60开发平台2.0的UI层被称为Avkon。对于熟悉Symbian Device Family Reference Designs历史的开发者来说,他们都知道Series 60开发平台是由Symbia
- Symbian C++高效编程:本书旨在帮助读者编写良好的基于Symbian OS的C++程序。全书共分为21章,分别介绍了Symbian OS中的类命名约定、异常退出、清除栈、两段构造、描述符、良好的描述符风格、动态的数组与缓冲区、使用活动对象的事件驱动多任务、活动对象、Symbian OS的线程与进程、客户/服务器原理、客户/服务器框架实践、二进制类型、ECOM、严重错误、用断言发现bug、调试宏与测试类、兼容性、轻量级模板、API、良好的编码风格等内容。 本书适合于使用Symbia