- This C/C++ code example demonstrates porting standard C software to the S60 platform. In this example, an open source FTP library (ftplib and qftp) written in C has been ported to Open C. In addition, a simple UI has been written in Symbian C++
- 《Developing Series 60 Applications: A Guide for Symbian OS C++ Developers》本压缩包中包含了电子书和源码。 Series 60是在Symbian OS下进行智能手机应用程序开发的主要平台,它拥有广大的用户群。本书是诺基亚与EMCC软件公司共同推出的一本Series 60开发的权威参考书,为Symbian OS下的C++编程提供全面指导。全书共13章,循序渐进地讲解Symbian OS基础、Series 60 GUI