- Windows Mobile 5.0 三十几个经典手机软件开发源码希望对大家有帮助.-Windows Mobile 5.0 30 phone several classic source software development we hope to have help.
- Mobile手机录像,获取源数据是WMV9格式,输出格式为ASF Requirements: Visual Studio 2005, Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK, ActiveSync 4.0.-Feature Area: Video capture Descr iption: This sample provides the basic video capture functionalities:
- Windows Mobile PPC 手机抓屏照相软件参考示例代码,这是帮助学习手机抓屏的开发。-Windows Mobile PPC phone camera software, sample code, screenshots, this is to help study the development of mobile screenshots.
- Windows Mobile NLED driver proxy. Created for customization of incoming call ring vibration. While original Windows Mobile ring vibration constant vibrating during all ring, this driver help to apply any user vibrating pattern.
- You can Creat SDF Database with the help of Code and you can insert data and Retrive the data in Windows Mobile Device or you can try at Emulator
- 自 1996 年推出 Microsoft Windows CE 操作系统,以及之后不久推出 Handheld PC 1.0 版产品以来,越来越多的工具的产生,帮助开发人员在基于 Windows Mobile™ 的平台上满足特定的需求并完成应用程序任务。 本论文主要介绍如何通过PocketBuilder2.0来开发掌上单词通(及查单词和背单词于一身)软件。 -Since the 1996 launch of Microsoft Windows CE operating syste
- 获取Mobile当前进程列表,List View的用法 Requirements: Visual Studio 2005, Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK or Windows Mobile 5.0 Smartphone SDK, ActiveSync 4.0. -Descr iption: This sample is a process viewer for CE devices. Usag
- windows mobile 系统下截获输入法时按键的实例程序,希望跟mobile系统的开发同仁有点帮助。-windows mobile system to intercept when the button input instance procedures in the hope colleagues with the development of mobile systems a little help.
- windows 数字签名帮助文件,windows mobile 系统玩家修改软件内部文件必读-windows digital signature help files, windows mobile system, modify the software players must-read internal documents
- this application helps you to send sms in windows mobile i hope that can help
- 最新的windows mobile 6开发者的绝佳帮助文件,有了它的帮助,开发者可以迅速开发windows mobile 6的驱动和应用程序。-The latest windows mobile 6 developer' s excellent help file, with its help, developers can rapidly develop windows mobile 6 drivers and applications.
- 用的是Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone开发环境,要求操作系统必须是window 7或window vista。本代码用c#语言,历时半个月时间,实现了window phone的日记功能,从照照片,写text,显示listbox,操作内存,存入独立内存数据,显示图片功能虽小,但有代表性。希望对window phone的开发人员有帮助。我也是摸索出来的。-Using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010E
- windows ce嵌入式系统开发资料,ppt版,内容很详实,希望对大家有帮助-windows ce embedded system development information ppt version, the content is very informative, and I hope for all of us to help