- This m file models a DPSK UWB system using a delay in one leg of the mixer, correlation receiver low pass filter combination requiring no template for synching. Various waveforms are displayed throughout the system to allow the user to observe operat
- 介绍无线传感器网络tinyos,有需要的朋友可以下载下来-this paper introduce the wsn operation system tinyos,and those person who want it can download and have a look it.thougt it is not so all-side,but also can effect to us.
- 邮件客户端系统源码和全套毕业论文文件,本课题为优秀毕业课题。我对邮件通讯的所有技术细节都做了分析,做毕业课题的学弟们可以参考参考呵。 我负责的是邮件的发送的功能。在熟悉了专门用于发送邮件的SMTP协议以及RFC规定的邮件的格式的基础上,运用了微软新推出的C Sharp这一新型的面向对象语言的便利性和灵活性,从SMTP协议规定的底层命令做起,一步步的与服务器进行交互操作,最终实现发送多附件多接收人的功能。其中,具体的和服务器的交互操作,都封装了在SmtpMail.dll这个动态链接库里面了。而
- Cognitive radio operation system
- scr ipt for computing the BER for BPSK modulation in a Rayleigh fading channel with 2 Tx, 2Rx MIMO channel Zero Forcing equalization The operation is trying to force the interference term to 64×64 system is huge. -scr ipt for computing the BER for BP