- 采用RS码技术的系统仿真,程序说明详尽,是学习通信技术的一个难得的好材料。-RS code using the system simulation, a detailed descr iption of the procedures is to learn a valuable communication technologies good material.
- RS编解码的仿真程序,并编有相应的c程序接口可直接调用-RS encoding and decoding of the simulation program, and a corresponding code can directly call c program interface
- 移动多媒体信息接收机的仿真,对数据进行了调制、OFDM解调、解扰、解星座映射、比特解交织、LDPC解码、RS解码。-i call this cmmb_receiver,it receives data from cmmb_sender,it can demoluta data,do several kinds of decodings.at last,wo get virtual data,maybe there is some falt,but,dont worry,among the dec
- RS码 卷积码 译码 维特比译码 卷积编码 和译码-RS viterbi decoding Convolution code decoding victor than decoding convolutional coding and decoding