是一款基于 android 操作系统的手机相册软件
- 是一款基于 android 操作系统的手机相册软件。本软件提供快速且清晰的图片预览,流畅炫丽的幻灯片播放功能以及多种图片编辑功能,比如:异彩,负片,增强,黑白, 水印,对称,放缩,左旋,右旋,裁剪,文字,浮雕,漫画等。-Is an android-based mobile phone operating system software album. The software provides quick and clear picture preview, smooth dazzling
- 2011年,若水工作室制作了《Android开发从零开始》系列课程,感谢大家的鼓励和支持。为了进一步提高Android开发培训水平,2012年若水工作室又倾心制作的项目实战视频『若水新闻』客户端开发教程,今天终于与大家见面了。 本系列课程目标 a.提高UI设计能力 b.巩固Android程序设计基础 c.异步更新UI d.掌握Android中HTTP通信 e.掌握JSON格式解析-In 2011, Flow studio produced a series of courses of the A
- 本项目是个人为户外探险人员及旅游人员研发的,线路跟踪。可对自己线跟进行跟踪并记录;GPS定位;地址位置查询;后期版本将会导出在手绘地图,为户外探险人员提供良好的线路记录。-The project is a personal staff for outdoor adventure and travel personnel R & D, the line tracking. Can carry out their own line with the track and recorded G
- 本项目是已签名的文件,主要为个人为户外探险人员及旅游人员研发的,线路跟踪。可对自己线跟进行跟踪并记录;GPS定位;地址位置查询;后期版本将会导出在手绘地图,为户外探险人员提供良好的线路记录。-This project is a signed document, made primarily for personal staff for outdoor adventure and travel personnel R & D, the line tracking. Can carry ou
- 这软件对于刷n900的机油们非常重要....这是用来刷安卓系统必须用到的-This brush n900 software for the oil are very important .... It is used to brush system must be used .... Andrew
- Android 画图学习总结。 Android画图学习总结(一)类的简介 Android画图学习总结(二)Bitmap Android画图学习总结(三)Drawable Android画图学习总结(四)Animation Android画图学习总结(五)Paint -Android drawing study concluded. Android drawing study concluded (a) an introduction to Android drawing cla
- 清华大学博士,论文平台的嵌入式手机MP3播放器的设计与仿真。嵌入式设计必备资料。-Tsinghua University, Ph.D., the paper platform for embedded MP3 player, mobile phone design and simulation. Essential information embedded design.
- dò mìn vớ i android, chuong trinh duoc viet boi hau999@gmail.com
- Welcome to Android Application Development For Dummies, the first For Dummies book that covers Android application development. When I was contacted to write this book, I was ecstatic about the opportunity to spread the wealth of knowledge that
- 实现了android 3D图形的绘制功能-Android 3 D graphic rendering
- android 系统3D相册源码,功能齐全-Android system 3 D photo album source, the function is all ready
- 开启wifi 关闭wifi 查看当前wifi的状态 希望可以帮助你-i hope it can help you for your study ok thanks very much
- 是基于android系统的2D游戏源码,内含多个游戏源码,由于太多项目,上传比较困难,这是第一个,第二个大家可以按2D_Game1.rar搜索一下或在我上传那里找到。-The system is based on android 2 D game source, containing multiple game source, because too many projects, and upload is more difficult, it is the first, the second
- 是基于android系统的2D游戏源码,内含多个游戏源码,由于太多项目,网速较慢上传比较困难,这是第二个,第一个大家可以按2D_Game2.rar搜索一下或在我上传那里找到。-The system is based on android 2 D game source, containing multiple game source, because too many projects, and speeds slower upload is more difficult, this is th
- 国际象棋是气派类游戏中最受欢迎的游戏之一,可玩性强,主要介绍了3D版国际象棋在Android平台上的设计与实现。-Chess is the style of the most popular games of one of the games, can play sex is strong, mainly introduced the 3 D version international chess in the Android platform on design and implementat
- 在时下最流行的Android平台上结合手机黑之的传感器开发一款3D迷宫重力游戏,是大家了解如何应用手机传感器开发3d游戏。-In the most popular Android platform combined with the development of mobile phone black sensor a 3 D maze game gravity, is for you to understand how to use mobile phone sensor development
- android 电子书翻页效果,非常绚丽的3D效果-Android ebook text effect,Very beautiful 3 D effect
- BitMap、View以及Canvas是我们Ophone程序中常用到的类。本日以feisky的学习笔记呈现,通过实例讲解View&Canvas等等。 1. 从资源中获取位图 可以使用BitmapDrawable或者BitmapFactory来获取资源中的位图。 当然,首先需要获取资源: Resources res=getResources() 使用BitmapDrawable获取位图 使用BitmapDrawable (InputStrea
- JBluez是Bluez的JAVA版本,本源码包括bin和源码。 Android的蓝牙协议栈就是Bluez,但Android SDK中的蓝牙API提供的功能仅仅基于RFCOMM封装,如果要做其他的蓝牙开发,则需要使用一些Bluez及D-Bus的接口。-JBluez is the Bluez the JAVA version. Android Bluetooth protocol stack is Bluez, but the Android SDK Bluetooth API provide
- 一个ANDROID应用程序例子,显示一个小时钟-ANDROID application example, displays a small clock