- 本项目是个人为户外探险人员及旅游人员研发的,线路跟踪。可对自己线跟进行跟踪并记录;GPS定位;地址位置查询;后期版本将会导出在手绘地图,为户外探险人员提供良好的线路记录。-The project is a personal staff for outdoor adventure and travel personnel R & D, the line tracking. Can carry out their own line with the track and recorded G
- 本项目是已签名的文件,主要为个人为户外探险人员及旅游人员研发的,线路跟踪。可对自己线跟进行跟踪并记录;GPS定位;地址位置查询;后期版本将会导出在手绘地图,为户外探险人员提供良好的线路记录。-This project is a signed document, made primarily for personal staff for outdoor adventure and travel personnel R & D, the line tracking. Can carry ou
- Big Planet Tracks 2.0(*星迹地图* - GPS 轨迹记录器)是一款先进的 Android 离线地图,除了具备手机无网路也能查看离线地图的实用功能之外,还能够汇入、汇出与记录 GPS 轨迹,并显示轨迹的时间、距离、平均速度、最高速度等数据。-Big Planet Tracks is an online/offline maps application that can import, export and record your GPS tracks, and shows l
- 安卓工程源码,自行车导航源码,GpsTracker源码,百度地图API-定位周边搜索POI源码,百度地图API源码,北京公交线路查询(离线),获取Gps信息的程序源码。-Android project source code, bike navigation source, GpsTracker source, Baidu map API- positioned around the search for POI source, Baidu Maps API source, Beijing bu
- 利用手机内部GPS进行定位,并将数据通过手机串口和TCP发送给主机;采用多线程编程,调用的百度定位。- Internal GPS positioning using a mobile phone, and sends the data to the host via the serial port phones and TCP multi-threaded programming, Baidu call positioning.
- 通过Service给服务器实时发送GPS信息,要做一些耗时的操作,同样需要在service中创建线程处理。(Using Service to send GPS information to the server in real-time, you need to do some time consuming operations, and you also need to create thread processing in service.)