- 高仿微信5.2内测版UI源码小清新界面,动画流畅,暂时没有涉及功能上的代码,主要是就是实现了动画和滑动事件的定义,项目导入eclipse可以直接编译运行。 -High imitation micro channel 5.2 beta version of the UI of the small source interface, fresh, smooth animation, temporarily does not involve functional code, mainly is t
- Android项目源码仿穿衣助手UI布局项目是一个仿穿衣助手的ui项目,只有布局,没有实际功能。运行以后直接点登录就可以转跳到主页面,不需要输入任何东西。多级菜单也没有实现。-Android project source imitation assistant UI layout project is a fake dressing assistant UI project, only the layout, there is no real function. Run after the di
- 绝对定位AbsoluteLayout,又可以叫做坐标布局,可以直接指定子元素的绝对位置,这种布局简单直接,直观性强,但是由于手机屏幕尺寸差别比较大,使用绝对定位的适应性会比较差。(The absolute position of AbsoluteLayout, also called coordinate layout, you can specify the absolute position of sub elements directly, this layout is simple an