- iOS 简单的音乐播放器,实现选歌,暂停播放等功能-to iOS simple music player, select songs, pause playback and other functions
- ios 三种页面切换,翻书,碎片等效果。。。采用opengl实现,不会被苹果reject-ios three kinds of switching pages, open book, debris and other effects. . . Use opengl achieve, not Apple reject
- iPhone平台上的一个应用程序,主要用于处理HTTP多任务处理时实现进度条及其他HTTP相关现实。-iPhone platform an application is mainly used to handle multi-tasking HTTP processing to achieve the progress bar, and other HTTP-related reality.
- iPhone Application Programming Guide.pdf This document is intended for both new and experienced iPhone OS developers who are creating native iPhone applications. Its purpose is to orient you to the architecture of an iPhone application and to
- An NSString extended class, include string utilities function, collected from other sources.
- 通讯录管理系统。具有增加、删除、编辑等功能,可以有效的管理手机等设备上的联系人信息……有源程序 代码 相关的数据库和图片等-Address book management system. Have to add, delete, edit and other functions, can effectively manage mobile devices such as contact information ... ... a source code-related databases and
- iphone project. It has two buttons, by clicking one, the number of clicking will be displayed and by clicking the other, a dog s image will appear and disappear
- 一种比较仿真的翻页效果,平滑翻和从边角翻都支持,pdf,图片等格式-Comparison of simulation results of a flip, smooth turn and turned from the corner support, pdf, pictures and other formats
- 实现客户服务端同步待办事项,可对待办事项进行增删改查、上传、下载等操作。-Synchronization to achieve customer service side do, can do for CRUD, upload, download and other operations.
- 这是Apple的mac os X上编写应用程序必须进行必要的编码规范,特别是Object C的编码规范,可以帮助你读程序和写程序。-The document is coding rule on the mac os X system for developing application. Other it includes Object C++ s rule,it should help you read and write your ios applicaiton.
- 基于ASIHttpReques开源的仿迅雷多线程断点续传功能的客户端,内置了百度音乐盒、土豆视频下载,新手可以学习ASIHttpRequest网络请求下载、JSON解析等操作。-Based on ASIHttpReques open source client imitation Thunder multi-threaded HTTP functionality, built a Baidu music box, potatoes video downloads, the novice can
- 读取iphone通讯录,实现查找,更新,删除等功能。非常不错的demo-Read iphone address book, find, update, delete, and other functions. Very good demo
- 上拉刷新瀑布流 让其他开发者能很快在瀑布流布局中加入上拉刷新和下拉刷新的功能-Pull-refresh waterfall stream so that other developers can quickly waterfall flow layout pull-refresh and drop-down refresh
- 有关Core Animation核心动画制作的相关教程,提供了动画渲染等多个相关问题的介绍-Tutorial about Core Animation Core animation, animation rendering and other issues related to the introduction
- 实现可以双向(垂直和水平)滚动的网格视图(Grid View),即网格视图的每行每列都可以上下左右、垂直水平滚动双向。并且每行每列均支持循环滚动。 不足之处是不支持同时滚动多行或多列。 -DWGridController ================ The DWGridController allows you to display cells in a grid view where rows and columns can be (infinitely) scrol
- Iphone source. live camera used other picture in mobile. you can source code modify change image. live camera used take picture.
- 是用基于afnetworking 网络框架实现的一个现在功能,可以实现多个任务同时下载,断点续传等功能 ,用于ios客户端下载功能实现。 -Is based framework of the afnetworking network to achieve a function, you can achieve multiple tasks simultaneously download, HTTP and other functions for the IOS client download
- 是用基于ASIHttpRequest 网络框架实现的一个现在功能,可以实现多个任务同时下载,断点续传等功能 ,用于ios客户端下载功能实现-Is based framework of the afnetworking network to achieve a function, you can achieve multiple tasks simultaneously download, HTTP and other functions for the IOS client download f
- ios计算器,能够实现加减乘除基本运算,同时可以计算优先级,括号等复杂运算,非常适合新手学习Ios~-ios calculator, to achieve the basic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, and at the same time can be calculated priority, brackets and other complex operations, ideal fo
- 效果不错的音视频加载程序。 有加载音频的动画,音频播放条等一些效果. -Effect of good audio and video loader. There are loads of audio animation, audio playback bar and some other effects.