Jess61p8 规则引擎
- 这是我所见到的用jAVA编写的非常优秀的规则引擎.对学习编写规则引擎有十分重要的借鉴作用!-This is what I see with jAVA prepared by the excellent rules engine. Learning to prepare rules engine has a very useful!
- 是一个用来开发同时多人在线游戏的引擎,Arianne提供一个简单的方式来创建游戏服务器规则与游戏客户端.Marauroa Server是用Java开发的多线程服务器,使用UDP协议进行通信,用mysql存储数据,并使用python描述游戏脚本-is also used to develop a multiplayer online game engine, Arianne provide a simple way to create rules of the game and the game
- Drools规则引擎开发 demo 源码-Drools rules engine to develop the demo source code