- 数独游戏 九直行九横列,共分成九个九宫格,每行列都由1到9、不能重复的阿拉伯数字组成,每个九宫格亦然。但数独游戏难易等级很多,每个只有一个解法。 可以添加关卡-few independent nine games nine straight row, divided into nine preview, each ranks by 1-9. we should not repeat the Arabic numerals, each preview so. But a few indep
- 改进的贪食蛇代码,进行游戏的同时也可以同时进行单词背诵功能-Type text or a website address or translate a document. Cancel Gǎijìn de tān shí shé dàimǎ, jìnxíng yóuxì de tóngshí yě kěyǐ tóngshí jìnxíng dāncí bèisòng gōngnéng Chinese- detected to English translation English
- 敲砖游戏的源代码,是中文的,关于java的代码-Translate text or webpage Translate from: Chinese Type text or a website address or translate a document. Cancel Qiāo zhuān yóuxì de yuán dàimǎ, shì zhōngwén de English Spanish Arabic Alpha Knock bricks game