- 本文使用 FPGA 芯片来模拟实际的乒乓球游戏。本设计是基于 Altera 公司的 FPGA Cyclone II 芯片 EP2C5T144C8 的基础上实现,运用 Verilog HDL 语言编程,在 Quartus II 软件上进行编译、仿真,最终在开发板上成功实现下载和调试。 -This article uses the FPGA chip to simulate the actual game of table tennis. The design is based Altera
- A Altera DE-2 ping pong game which using a PS/2 keyboard to control.VGA port of DE-2 will be the output of the game video.The sources code build from VHDL code on Quartus II.-A Altera DE-2 ping pong game which using a PS/2 keyboard to control.VGA por