- Verilog, VHDL, c and asm source codes of the Minimig system, a fpga implementation of the Amiga computer. Version minimig-de1/de2 used on the de1 and de2 fpga boards.
- Verilog, VHDL, c and asm source codes of the Minimig system, a fpga implementation of the Amiga computer. Version c-one used on the c-one fpga board.
- VHDL, c and asm source codes of the One-Chip-MSX, a fpga implementation of the MSX computer. Versions for the ocm and de1 fpga boards.
- game in fpga example, also is a fpga
- It is an Arkanoid game that is written by me in VHDL language. ı t is possible to play it via an altera FPGA and a monitor.
- 是采用ISE软件编写的一款塔防小游戏。适用于FPGA,具体适配型号参见工程文件内的说明。(东南大学FPGA课程设计作业)-ISE software is written using a tower defense game. Suitable for FPGA, see the instructions specific adaptation model within the project file.
- This for the final project of EC551 Advanced Digital Design using Verilog, a course offered in Boston University. It s basically the classic pacman game on Spartan3 FPGA dev board by Digilent-This is for the final project of EC551 Advanced Digital De
- 五子棋 主要用到了VGA和PS2接口的外设 基本实现了双人对战五子棋的功能。感觉有很多纰漏,想请大家指点下。(five-in-a-row vga ps2 fpga vhdl verilog)
- 用Verilog实现的基于FPGA的简单避障游戏(A game based on FPGA,using Verilog)